The gravitational
tensor or gravitational field tensor, (sometimes called the gravitational
field strength tensor) is an antisymmetric tensor, combining two components of gravitational field – the gravitational
field strength and the gravitational torsion field – into one. It
is used to describe the gravitational field of an arbitrary physical system and
for invariant formulation of gravitational equations in the covariant theory of gravitation. The gravitational field is a
component of general field.
Tensor of gravitational field is
defined by the gravitational
four-potential as
follows: [1] [2]
Due to the antisymmetry of this
formula the difference of two covariant derivatives is equal to the difference
between the two partial derivatives with respect to the 4-coordinates.
If we consider the definition of
the 4-potential of gravitational field:
where is
the scalar potential,
the vector potential of the gravitational field,
is the speed of light, approximately equal to the speed of propagation
of gravitational wave (speed
of gravity),
and if we introduce for Cartesian
coordinates the gravitational field strengths by the
where is the gravitational field strength or gravitational acceleration,
the torsion field,
then the covariant components of
the gravitational field tensor according to (1) will
According to the rules of tensor
algebra, raising (lowering) of the tensors’ indices, that is the transition
from the covariant components to the mixed and contravariant components of
tensors and vice versa, is done by means of the metric tensor . In particular
, as well
In Minkowski space the metric
tensor turns into the tensor , which does not depend on the coordinates
and time. In this space, which is used in the special relativity, the
contravariant components of the gravitational field tensor are as follows:
Since the vectors of gravitational field strength and torsion field are the components of
the gravitational field tensor, they are transformed not as vectors, but as the
components of the tensor of the type (0,2). The law of transformation of these
vectors in the transition from the fixed reference frame K into the reference
frame K', moving at the velocity V along the axis X, has the following form:
In the more general case where the velocity of the reference frame K’
relative to the frame K is aimed in any direction, and the axis of the
coordinate systems parallel to each other, the gravitational field strength and
the torsion field are converted as follows:
The first expression is the
contraction of the tensor, and the second is defined as the pseudoscalar
invariant. In the latter expression the Levi-Civita symbol is used for the four-dimensional space,
which is a completely antisymmetric unit tensor, with its gauge
Let us
consider the following expression:
(2) is satisfied identically, which is proved by substituting into it the
definition for the gravitational field tensor according to (1). If in (2) we
use nonrecurring combinations 012, 013, 023 and 123 as the indices , and if
we pass from the field potentials to the strengths, this leads to two vector
(3) and (4) are two of the four Heaviside's equations for the gravitational
field strengths in the Lorentz-invariant theory of
gravitation. According to (3), the change in time
of the torsion field creates circular gravitational field
strength, which leads to the effect of gravitational induction, and
equation (4) states that the torsion field, as well as the magnetic field, has
no sources. Equations (3) and (4) can also be obtained from equality to zero of
the 4-vector, which is found by the formula:
couple of gravitational field equations is also expressed in terms of the
gravitational field tensor:
where is the 4-vector of mass current
is the
matter density in the comoving reference frame,
the velocity of the matter unit,
is the gravitational constant.
In the
expanded form the equation for the field strengths with field sources are as
is the density of the moving mass,
the mass current density.
to the first of these equations, the gravitational field strength is generated
by the matter density, and according to the second equation the circular
torsion field is always accompanied by the mass current, or emerges due to the
change in time of the gravitational field strength vector.
Gravitational four-force acting
on the mass of
a body can be expressed in terms of the gravitational field tensor and the 4-velocity of
the body:
expression can be derived, in particular, as the consequence of the axiomatic
construction of the covariant theory of gravitation in the language of
4-vectors and tensors. [3]
If we
take the covariant divergence of both sides of (5), and
taking into account (1) we obtain: [4]
The continuity equation for the mass 4-current is a gauge condition that is used to derive
the field equation (5) from the principle of least action. The contraction of
the Ricci tensor
and the gravitational tensor
is equal to zero:
, as a consequence of the antisymmetry of
and the symmetry of
In Minkowski space the covariant
derivative becomes the partial derivative, and the
continuity equation becomes as follows:
The wave equation for the gravitational tensor is
written as: [5]
equation is valid provided that the Ricci tensor is defined as result of
contraction of metric tensor and curvature tensor in the form [6]
If the
Ricci tensor is defined as [7]
the wave equation for the gravitational field tensor will be as follows:
Lagrangian for the matter in gravitational and electromagnetic fields includes
the gravitational field tensor and is contained in the action function: [4] [8]
where is
differential of coordinate time,
a certain coefficient,
is the scalar curvature,
is the cosmological constant, which is a
function of the system,
is the speed of light as a measure of the
propagation speed of electromagnetic and gravitational interactions,
the electromagnetic 4-potential, where
the electric scalar potential, and
the electromagnetic vector potential,
the electromagnetic 4-current,
is the electric constant,
the electromagnetic
the 4-potential of acceleration field,
the constants of acceleration field and pressure field, respectively,
the acceleration tensor,
the 4-potential of pressure field,
the pressure field tensor,
is the invariant 4-volume,
is the square root of the determinant
of metric tensor, taken with a negative
the product of differentials of the spatial coordinates.
variation of the action function by 4-coordinates leads to the equation of
motion of the matter unit in gravitational and electromagnetic fields and pressure field:
where the first term on the right is the gravitational force
density, expressed with the help of the gravitational field tensor, second term is
the Lorentz electromagnetic force density for the charge density
measured in the comoving reference frame, and the last term sets the pressure
force density.
If we
vary the action function by the gravitational
four-potential, we obtain the equation of
gravitational field (5).
With the help of gravitational
field tensor in the covariant theory of gravitation the gravitational
stress-energy tensor is constructed:
The covariant derivative of the
gravitational stress-energy tensor determines the 4-vector of gravitational
force density:
By definition,
the generalized momentum
characterizes the total momentum of the matter unit taking into account the
momenta from the gravitational and electromagnetic fields. In the covariant
theory of gravitation the generalized force, as the rate of change of the
generalized momentum by the coordinate time, depends also on the gradient of
the energy of gravitational field associated with the matter unit and
determined by the gravitational field tensor. [9]
In the
weak-field approximation Hamiltonian as the relativistic energy of a body with
the mass and the charge
If we use
the covariant 4-vector of generalized velocity
then in
the general case the Hamiltonian has the form: [4]
are timelike components of 4-vectors
If we
move to the reference frame that is fixed relative to the center of mass of
system, Hamiltonian will determine the invariant energy of
the system.
gravitational field tensor is used to define in curved space-time the
generalized four-momentum; [10] the energy, momentum and
four-momentum of a physical system; [11] the pseudo-tensor
of angular momentum. [12]