Published books
- Fedosin S.G. Fizika i filosofiia podobiia ot preonov do metagalaktik. (Physics and Phylosophy of Similarity From Preons to Metagalaxies). –
Perm’ : S.G. Fedosin, 1999, 544 p. ISBN 5-8131-0012-1.
In the given book various aspects of the principle of similarity are used, allowing realizing ties between micro and macrocosm, structures of matter levels, to find the direction of evolution of space objects, including the Metagalaxy. The physical properties of particles and bodies are described, starting from preons and finishing big galactic systems. The broad range of fundamental problems of physics is considered – ether and superluminal speeds in the theory of relativity for example, and also for the first time: Waves of de Broglie as manifestation of internal standing waves of particles are described; schematic model of occurrence of electric charge at elementary particles; nucleus gravitation as origin of strong interaction; models of the electron and the photon; Lorentz-invariant theory of gravitation is constructed, including: equations of field with 4-vectors and tensors, force, density of energy, fluxes of energy and momentum, tensor of gravitational field, equations of field as a result of Lagrange function variations; Umov-Poynting vector; gravitational emission; spiral waves in galaxies; metrics in and out of objects; Newton's law of gravitation in the concept of gravitons is deduced; cosmological model; an explanation of red shift of galaxies; path from energy components of fields tensors to the first law of thermodynamics, another definition and formulae of entropy. SPФ symmetry of similarity between the basic levels of the matter is introduced. Three new laws of philosophy are formulated.
Tables 66. Fig. 93. Ref. 377 titles, hardcover.
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- Fedosin S.G. Sovremennye problemy fiziki: v poiskakh novykh printsipov. (The Problems of Modern Physics. Searching For New Principles). – Perm’ : S.G. Fedosin, 2007-2013, 89 с. GGKEY:T9P6QB9LFPU.
The book presents new theoretical results and models required for a deeper analysis of fundamental problems of physics. The properties and structure of ball lightning, the principle of quantization of space objects are considered, the relationship between angular momentum and the radius of proton is defined. The extended theory of special relativity which takes into account the postulate of existence of isotropic reference system, instead of the postulate of speed of light constancy, is built.
Fig. 26. Ref. 50 titles.
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- Fedosin S.G. Osnovy sinkretiki: filosofiia nositeleĭ. (Fundamentals of Syncretiсs. Philosophy of Carriers). – Moskva: Editorial URSS, 2003, 464 p. ISBN 5-354-00375-X.
The book outlines the basic principles of syncretic logic by which group properties of philosophical categories are derived. The classic philosophical laws are analyzed and some new laws are formulated. Syncretics used to construct an axiomatic theory of carriers and to analyze its consequences. The derivation of relationship between the flow of existence and conservation laws in physics is done, and the universal scheme of logical operations is described.
Tables 28. Fig. 11. Ref. 102 titles.
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- Fedosin S.G. Nositeli zhizni: proiskhozhdenie i ėvoliutsiia. (The Carriers of Life: Origin and Evolution). – Perm’ : S.G. Fedosin, 2007-2013, 109 p. GGKEY:21B1C13UA47.
In the book we can find the analysis of some closely related problems – of the origin and essence of life, the universal world process and the global evolution. Examination of fractal nature of carriers through the distribution of terrestrial and space objects on the steps of scale staircase, depending on the masses and sizes, shows an appropriate relationship with the masses and sizes of live organisms. One of the conclusions is the complementarity of living and nonliving carriers in universe, and the main difference between a living from nonliving matter is an independent source of ordering inherent in living forms and managing all of its reactions.
Tables 9. Fig. 11. Ref. 60 titles.
Details: Предисловие, Введение , Заключение, литература и
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- Sergey Fedosin. The physical theories and infinite hierarchical nesting of matter, Volume 1. –
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pages: 580, ISBN-13: 978-3-659-57301-9. (2014).
With the help of syncretiсs as a new philosophical logic, the philosophy of carriers, the theory of similarity and the theory of Infinite Hierarchical Nesting of Matter, the problems of modern physics are analyzed. We consider the classical and relativistic mechanics, the special and general theories of relativity, the theory of electromagnetic and gravitational fields, of weak and strong interactions. The goal is axiomatization of these theories, building models of elementary particles and of their interactions with each other. The main obtained results are: the model of bead lightning; an explanation of redshift of the spectra of galaxies; the derivation of the Newton law in the concept of gravitons; the calculation of nuclear forces and the structure of simplest nuclei with the help of the theory of strong gravitation; building the model of weak interactions of elementary particles; presentation of quarks as a particular type of quasiparticles; explanation of the electron spin. The book should be useful for students and researchers, as well as for those interested in physical and philosophical problems.
Tables 20. Fig. 30. Ref. 155 titles.
Details: Cover, Table of contents, Introduction, Conclusion, Комментарии, Download.
- Sergey Fedosin. The physical theories and infinite hierarchical nesting of matter, Volume 2. –
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pages: 420, ISBN-13: 978-3-659-71511-2. (2015).
With the help of syncretiсs as a new philosophical logic, the philosophy of carriers, the theory of similarity and the theory of Infinite Hierarchical Nesting of Matter, the problems of modern physics are analyzed. We consider the classical and relativistic mechanics, the special and general theories of relativity, the theory of electromagnetic and gravitational fields, of weak and strong interactions. The goal is axiomatization of these theories, building models of elementary particles and of their interactions with each other. The main obtained results are: description of the electrokinetic theory of the origin of magnetic fields in cosmic bodies; calculation of metric in the uniformly accelerated reference frame; the axiomatic construction of electrodynamics, Lorentz invariant (LITG) and covariant theories of gravitation (CTG); comparing CTG with the general theory of relativity and with the results of gravitational experiments. Among other results – the analysis of the properties of ether as the medium responsible for transfer of electromagnetic and gravitational waves, and derivation of the formula for entropy in a tensor form.
For students and researchers, as well as for those interested in physical and philosophical problems.
Tables 1. Fig. 11. Ref. 160 titles.
Details: Cover, Table of contents, Introduction, Conclusion, Комментарии, Download.
- Sergey G. Fedosin. Book chapter. The Electromagnetic Field of a Rotating Relativistic Uniform System. Chapter 2 in the book: Horizons in World Physics. Volume 306. Edited by Albert Reimer, New York, Nova Science Publishers Inc, pp. 53-128 (2021), ISBN: 978-1-68507-077-9, 978-1-68507-088-5 (e-book).
Various approaches to determining the electromagnetic field in fixed and steadily rotating charged bodies in the form of a cylinder and a sphere are studied. It turns out to be convenient to combine several methods at once, including Gauss’s law for the electric field, the solution of the Laplace equation for the field potentials, the method of retarded potentials, Ampere’s law on the magnetic field circulation, the theorem on the vector potential circulation. In addition, expansion of the field components in terms of cylindrical and spherical bases, gauging of the potentials at the center, on the surface of bodies and at infinity are used. When turning from a classical to a relativistic uniform system, a method is used to calculate the internal field potentials with the help of the gauge function that satisfies the Laplace equation. The external electric potential and the field strength are found by separating variables using Legendre polynomials. Separation of variables for calculating the external vector potential and the magnetic field leads to the need to introduce new polynomials proportional to the sine of the spherical zenith angle. The first seven such polynomials are calculated, which are sufficient to find the vector potential in the quadrupole approximation. The scalar and vector potentials, electric and magnetic fields inside and outside a charged cylinder and a spherical system of particles at rest and in the state of rotation are found in an explicit form.
Tables. 2. Ref. 18 titles.
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