of proper-time-derivative is a differential operator and the relativistic generalization of material
derivative (substantial derivative) in four-dimensional spacetime.
In coordinate notation, this
operator is written as follows: [1]
where –
the symbol of differential in curved spacetime,
proper time, which is measured by a clock moving with test particle,
– 4-velocity of test particle or local volume of matter,
covariant derivative.
In flat Minkowski spacetime
operator of proper-time-derivative is simplified, since the covariant
derivative transforms into 4-gradient (the operator of differentiation with
partial derivatives with
respect to
To prove this expression it can
be applied to an arbitrary 4-vector :
Above was used material
derivative in operator equation for an arbitrary function :
where is
the velocity of local
volume of matter,
– nabla
In turn, the material derivative
follows from the representation of differential function of spatial coordinates and time:
Operator of
proper-time-derivative is applied to different four-dimensional objects – to
scalar functions, 4-vectors and 4-tensors. One exception is 4-position
(4-radius), which in four-Cartesian coordinates has the form because 4-position is not a 4-vector in
curved space-time, but its differential (displacement)
is. Effect of the left side of operator of
proper-time-derivative on the 4-position specifies the 4-velocity:
, but the
right side of the operator does not so:
In the covariant theory of gravitation operator
of proper-time-derivative is used to determine the density of 4-force acting on a solid point particle in curved spacetime: [2]
where is 4-vector momentum density of matter,
density of matter in its rest system,
– Christoffel symbol.
in the common case the 4-force is determined with the help of 4-potential of acceleration field: [3]
where is the acceleration
stress-energy tensor with the mixed indices,
is the acceleration
tensor, and the 4-potential of acceleration field
is expressed in terms of the scalar
and vector
In general relativity freely
falling body in a gravitational field moves along a geodesic, and four-acceleration of body in this case is
equal to zero: [4]
Since interval , then equation of motion of the body
along a geodesic in general relativity can be rewritten in equivalent form:
If, instead of the proper time to
use a parameter , and equation of a curve set by the
, then there is the operator of derivative
on the parameter along the curve: [5]