Vacuum constants are physical constants associated with the
fields existing in the free space under high vacuum. The values of these
constants can be determined from the analysis of the interaction of fields with
matter. Vacuum constants come in a variety of physical equations as necessary
coefficients. Because of this, great importance is the refinement of these
constants in special experiments.
Speed of light: [1] m/s, as exact value. It has become a
defined constant in the SI system of units.
Electric constant
or vacuum permittivity: [2] F/m.
Speed of gravity . It is supposed that
equals to the speed of light.
Vacuum permeability:
H/m in the SI system of units.
Electromagnetic impedance of free space:
Since and
have exact values the same is for impedance of free space:
Gravitoelectric gravitational constant:
Gravitomagnetic gravitational constant: ,
Gravitational characteristic impedance of free space:
If then gravitational characteristic impedance
of free space equals to: [3] [4]
Constants ,
belong to selfconsistent electromagnetic constants, and constants
belong to selfconsistent gravitational
Vacuum constants are used for creation of natural units
such as Stoney units and Planck units. For example, Stoney mass is connected
with elementary charge :
The Planck mass is connected with Dirac constant :
The Stoney length and the Stoney energy, collectively
called the Stoney scale, are not far from the Planck length and the Planck
energy, the Planck scale.
modernized Le Sage’s theory
The vacuum constants in the modernized Le Sage’s theory can
be expressed in terms of the parameters of the vacuum field and matter. It is assumed that the vacuum field contained in the electrogravitational vacuum consists of two
components. The first component in the form
of the graviton field is responsible for the emergence of gravitation, mass and
inertia of bodies, and the second component in the form of the field of charged
particles leads to electromagnetic interaction. [5] In this case,
the main active component is assumed to be the second component in the form of
flows of charged particles of the praons type.
For cubic distribution of graviton
fluxes in space the gravitational constant is given by the formula: [7]
Where J/m3 is the energy density of the graviton
m2 is the cross-section of interaction
between gravitons and the nucleon matter,
the nucleon mass.
Similarly, for the vacuum permittivity
we obtain: [8]
Where J/m3 is the energy density of the field of
charged particles,
m2 is the cross-section of interaction
between the charged particles of the vacuum and the nucleon matter, close to
the proton cross-section,
the elementary charge.
Estimation of the concentration of
charged particles as the concentration of relativistically moving praons gives
the value m–3.
The strong gravitational constant is also related to the vacuum field:
In the modernized Le Sage’s model it is
assumed that gravitons for the ordinary gravitation are the particles of the
praon level of matter, located two levels below the level of stars, which
acquired their energy in the relativistic processes near nucleons. The strong
gravitation is acting at the
level of nucleons, and reasoning by analogy, gravitons for the strong
gravitation should be the particles of the graon level of matter, which
acquired their energy in the processes near praons. Gravitons can be both
neutral particles, such as neutrinos and photons, and relativistic charged
particles, similar in their properties to cosmic rays. The effective mass of
all these particles is their relativistic mass-energy with regard to the large
Lorentz factor. In particular, gravitons of the ordinary gravitation can be praons,
accelerated by the strong fields near nucleons almost to the speed of light.