Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 40, No. 02, 2450163 (2025).
formalism in the theory of relativistic vector fields
Sergey G. Fedosin
22 Sviazeva str., apt. 79,
Perm, Perm Krai, 614088, Russia
Abstract: The Lagrangian formalism is used to
derive covariant equations that are suitable for use in continuously
distributed matter in curved spacetime. Special attention is given to
theoretical representation, in which the Lagrangian and its derivatives are directly
involved. The obtained results, including equation for metric, equation of
motion, equations for fields, are applied to purely vector fields. As a consequence, formulas are
determined for calculating the basic quantities necessary to describe physical systems.
In this case, not only the pressure field and acceleration field are taken into
account, but also the electromagnetic and gravitational fields outside the matter,
which contribute to the four-momentum and to the four-dimensional angular
momentum pseudotensor of each system. Each of the presented fields, including
gravitational field, has its own four-potential and
its own tensor, which allows all calculations to be performed in covariant way.
In particular, when applying the principle of least action, the optimal
approach is one in which the four-currents, field four-potentials and metric
tensor depend on the observation point and vary independently from each other.
In addition to the Euler–Lagrange equation, another equation of motion is
derived containing the density of generalized four-force and the time
derivative of volume density of generalized four-momentum. In order to uniquely
calibrate the energy, which is a scalar quantity, the cosmological constant
included in the Lagrangian is used. This leads to the fact that both the scalar
curvature and the cosmological constant disappear in expression for the
four-momentum of the system. In addition, the equation for the metric is
simplified. The peculiarity of equation for the metric is that the total
stress-energy tensor of the physical system, presented in the right part of
equation for the metric, is associated only with field tensors and does not
depend on particle four-velocities. Moreover, the trace of stress-energy tensor
is zero. To calculate the stress-energy tensor, the functional derivative of
Lagrangian density with respect to the metric tensor is used. The covariant
derivative of stress-energy tensor leads to equation of particle motion under
action of fields, and to generalized Poynting theorem. The contractions of the
field tensors with the Ricci tensor are equal to zero, so that each field makes
its own contribution to the curvature of spacetime in the system. The inertial
mass of a system is defined as the value connecting the four-momentum and
four-velocity of the center of momentum of the system, and can be calculated
using the square of the four-momentum. It is shown that the canonical
representation of the angular momentum pseudotensor is its representation with
covariant indices. The radius-vector of the center of momentum of a physical
system is determined in covariant form.
Keywords: Lagrangian formalism;
integral of motion; vector field; covariant theory of gravitation; angular
momentum pseudotensor.
MSC: 70H03, 70H40, 70S05
PACS: 04.20.Fy, 11.10.Ef,
1. Introduction
In field
theory, the principle of least action is a basic principle that allows to find
field equations and equations of motion of particles in the given fields. If
the action is denoted by , and Lagrangian density, calculated as volumetric density of the Lagrangian, is denoted by
, then the following relation is valid for the action [1]:
As a rule,
the Lagrangian contains the energies of particles in the fields, which are found
using the product of four-potential of corresponding field and mass
, while in the case of electromagnetic field the
charge four-current
is used. In
addition, the Lagrangian contains the terms, defining energy density of the
fields and expressed in terms of tensor invariants of these fields. The scalar
curvature is an invariant of curvature tensor, and in the Lagrangian it defines
the term proportional to the system’s energy density and arises by considering
the system’s metric. Finally, the cosmological constant in the Lagrangian is the only term,
for which the system’s energy can be uniquely gauged. Indeed, the energy as a
scalar physical quantity is determined with an accuracy of up to a constant, so
that uniqueness in determining the state of the system is possible only because
of taking into account the energy gauging.
in (1) is varied for each term, which is included
in the Lagrangian density, separately for each variable quantity
, this can be
represented, for example, by the field’s four-potentials, the four-currents or
the metric tensor. Then all the terms, containing the variation in any variable quantity,
should be summed, and the sum should be equated to zero. As a result, the
action variation with respect to the four-currents leads to the equation of
motion, the action variation with respect to the fields’ four-potentials gives
the equations for the fields, and the variation with respect to the metric
tensor gives the equation for the metric. This is the practical approach in the
Lagrangian formalism.
On the
other hand, there is a theoretical approach, in which the procedure for
determining the extremum of the action in (1) gives the Euler–Lagrange equations, which also lead to the equations of motion of
particles and fields. If the Lagrangian density depends on a certain variable
quantity and on its
four-dimensional derivative
with respect to
coordinates and time, such that
, then the corresponding classical Euler–Lagrange equation can be written as follows [2]:
Our goal
in this paper is to specify relations (1) and (2) so that they are suitable for
curved spacetime in an arbitrary reference frame for continuously distributed
matter. Next, we will present the Euler–Lagrange equations in a covariant form and compare the resulting
equations with the equations obtained by ordinary variation of the action
function. In addition, the covariant formulas for the energy, momentum,
four-momentum, angular momentum and four-dimensional angular momentum
pseudotensor are presented.
necessity for this article is caused by the fact that the mainstream of
literature on the Lagrangian formalism and the related Hamiltonian formalism is
devoted to individual particles and bodies [3-5], while it is often necessary to carry out calculations for the
continuous medium. In this case, the Lagrangian formalism should be applied to
the integrals taken over the matter’s volume, which significantly complicates
the situation in curved spacetime. This probably explains the apparent lack of related
research, as well as incomplete coverage of the problems under
consideration. The same is also indicated in [6], where four additional axioms
are taken into account to construct a covariant representation of the general
theory of relativity based on the Hamiltonian in the DeDonder–Weyl formalism.
we will try to systematize different approaches and combine them into a single
picture, and will also present our own viewpoint on the problem. In our
calculations we will everywhere use the metric signature of the form (+,–,–,–). All obtained results will be
illustrated using the example of purely vector fields, including the
gravitational field within the framework of the covariant theory of gravitation
(CTG). In CTG, the Lagrangian of the gravitational field is similar in form to
the Lagrangian of the electromagnetic field. In this regard, we will refer to [7],
where it is indicated that only Maxwell-type theories can be self-consistent,
and that there will be no unphysical states in them from the viewpoint of quantum
field theory.
2. Methods
In curved
spacetime, the element of the four-dimensional volume should be written in a
covariant form. As a result, instead of (1) we obtain the following standard
where is the element of the covariant
is the product of the differentials
of the space coordinates,
is the speed of
light, and
is the
determinant of the metric tensor
to the principle of least action, to find the equations of motion of the
particles and fields, the action variation in (3) should be equated to zero:
. (4)
Let us now
determine, which variables the Lagrangian density can depend on. In the general
case, scalar functions, four-vectors and four-tensors, as well as various
four-dimensional derivatives of these quantities can serve as such variables.
To speak more specifically, we use the Lagrangian density for the four vector
fields as an example,
according to [8-9]:
where is the four-potential of the
electromagnetic field, given by the scalar potential
and the vector
of this field,
is the charge
is the invariant charge density, determined in the reference
frame comoving with the particle or element of matter,
is the
four-velocity of a point particle or element of matter,
is the four-potential of the
gravitational field, described in terms of the scalar potential
and the vector potential
within the framework of the
covariant theory of gravitation,
is the mass
is the invariant mass density, determined in the reference frame
comoving with the particle or element of matter,
is the
four-potential of the acceleration field, where
denote the scalar and vector
potentials, respectively,
is the
four-potential of the pressure field, consisting of the scalar potential
and the vector potential
is the magnetic
is the
electromagnetic tensor,
is the gravitational constant,
is the
gravitational tensor,
is the acceleration
field coefficient,
is the acceleration
tensor, calculated as the four-curl of the four-potential of the acceleration
is the pressure
field coefficient,
is the
pressure field tensor,
, where
is a coefficient of the order of
unity to be determined,
is the
scalar curvature,
is the cosmological
The invariant charge density ,
included in the expression of the charge current
, and the
invariant mass density
, included
in the expression of the mass current
, are
determined in the same way as in [10].
The description of gravitation
using four-potential of the gravitational field
significantly distinguishes the covariant theory of gravitation (CTG) from the
general theory of relativity, where all gravitational effects are taken into
account only through the metric tensor, but
is absent. According to
gravity can manifest itself
in the CTG as an independent physical force, behaving like an electromagnetic
force. In the simplest case, taking into account the metric in CTG leads only
to that change in the results of spacetime measurements that occurs under the
influence of the fields of the system under consideration.
According to (5), the
Lagrangian density depends on the following quantities:
. (6)
We can
assume that all the quantities in (6) in one way or another depend on the
position vector specifying an
arbitrary point in the system’s spacetime. In addition, some of these
quantities depend on the four-velocity
of the matter
particle or the point matter element under consideration, for example, the mass
and the charge
. We included in (6) the four-potentials and tensors
of all the fields, as well as the metric tensor
, on which some terms in (4) and (5) depend directly.
If the Lagrangian density depends on other variables, they can also be added to
Note that in (6) we
use the metric tensor with contravariant indices instead of the tensor with
covariant indices. This is possible, since and the components of
are functions of the
components of
, and replacing
in (6) will not
change the subsequent calculations. Additionally, from the point of view of tensor analysis, the results of tensor operations cannot depend on the choice of tensor indices.
We also point to the difference in the form of the
derivatives in (6). For example, the four-velocity is defined as the derivative
of position vector of the moving particle with respect to the interval: ,
where denotes the interval. Moreover, the vector field tensor is usually
found as the four-curl of the four-potential, that is, using the antisymmetric
combination of two covariant derivatives. For the field tensors in (5) and (6)
we can write the following:
, (7)
now that all the quantities in (5), except for the metric tensor, are
completely expressed in terms of and
; thus, instead of (6),
will exist. In
this case, it is convenient to consider the metric tensor as an independent
variable. Then, the action variation with respect to the metric tensor gives an
equation that allows us to determine the metric tensor in terms of
To derive the equation of the
system’s motion in case of the given values of the four-currents,
four-potentials, four-tensors and fields as functions of and
, we express action variation (4) as follows:
. (8)
determinant of the metric tensor depends
directly on the metric tensor components, so following, for example, [10], we
can write the following:
For the
variation of the action in (8) taking into account (9) the following is
. (10)
In (10),
we should also take into account the variation of Lagrangian density , expressed in terms of variations of the variable
. (11)
In the
general case, the derivatives with respect to the four-vectors and the
four-tensors during the Lagrangian density variation should be considered as
functional derivatives.
Equation of motion and generalized four-force
In this
section we consider what the variation in (11) gives.
This variation is related to the variation
, and both variations are present only in the first
integral in (10). Therefore, we can write the following:
. (12)
According to [11],
equality to zero variation in (12) leads
to the following equation:
(13) differs from Euler–Lagrange
equation (2) by the fact that on the left-hand side the derivative is taken
with respect to time and not with respect to . Let us determine the volumetric density of the
generalized four-momentum
express (13) in terms of it:
. (15)
(15) represents the equation of the matter’s motion, expressed in terms of the
derivative of the generalized four-momentum density with respect to time. In
addition, we introduced the quantity as the
volumetric density of the generalized four-force. In fact, (15) is a
generalization of Newton’s second law, with the replacement of
three-dimensional quantities by four-dimensional quantities.
Equations of motion (13) and (15) were first derived
in [11], and the volume density of generalized four-momentum (14) was also
determined there. In this case, the condition of constancy of the component
of each
particle at each time interval during the variation process was used, which was
justified by using the concept of typical particles. By definition, typical
particles define the basic properties of matter in a physical system; therefore, they are convenient for describing continuously
distributed matter. After real particles are replaced with typical particles, physical quantities and
equations must be associated specifically with the typical particles.
The properties of typical
particles are revealed after averaging the properties of real particles over
time and over a small volume surrounding a selected observation point. As a
result, the component of a typical particle at the observation point
actually becomes constant, at least for a
physical system that is in equilibrium or in a state of continuous stationary
motion. On the other hand, we can assume that if the variation time is short
and comparable to
, the component
of each
particle does not have time to change significantly. In this case,
in (14) will be the
instantaneous density of the generalized four-momentum.
To understand the meaning of (13), we substitute the
Lagrangian from (5) into it, which we divide into two parts such
. Since the four-currents are determined by the expressions
, and
, the four-velocity
becomes the
common multiplier:
. (16)
Let us consider the simplest case, when the fields’
four-potentials do not depend on the four-velocity of matter elements. Since the field tensors
are obtained from the four-potentials with the help of the four-curl, in this
case the field tensors and
in general will not depend on
. Let us substitute
into (14-15):
. (18)
to (18), all the fields present in the system participate in determining the volumetric density of the
generalized momentum . In this case
would depend
only on the fields’ four-potentials.
that the right-hand sides of (15) and (19) are equal to zero in any part of the
system under consideration. This is possible, for example, if and all the
variables in the system depend neither on the time nor on the coordinates,
at least on average. In this case, both the density of
the generalized four-momentum
and the
integral of
over the system’s volume, which gives the
total generalized four-momentum, are conserved in the system.
As a rule,
this situation is characteristic of closed systems, moving by inertia. The
conservation of the generalized four-momentum density is also possible in
uniform external fields with special configurations. Thus, in crossed electric
and magnetic fields, which are perpendicular to each other, a charged particle
can move at a certain constant velocity, depending on the value and direction
of the fields, along the axis, which is perpendicular to both fields.
If we
define ,
, where
is the density of the
three-dimensional generalized momentum, and
is the density of the three-dimensional
generalized force, then the space component of the four-dimensional equation
(15) is written as follows:
where in
view of (18), is expressed in terms of the fields’
vector potentials:
If the
quantity does not depend
explicitly on the coordinates, the density of the generalized force
vanishes and
the density of the generalized momentum
in (20-21) is
Let us now
express the time component of the four-dimensional equation (15):
, (22)
where in
view of (18), is expressed in terms of the fields’
scalar potentials:
. (23)
to (22), if the partial derivative of the quantity with respect to time is equal to
zero, then the time component of the generalized four-force density is also equal to zero, and the time
component (23) of the generalized four-momentum density is conserved over time.
We note that the quantity in (23) is the energy density of the system’s
particles in the scalar potentials of the vector fields, divided by the speed
of light. For vector fields, it is known that if we add the energy of the
fields themselves to the energy of particles of the system in scalar potentials
of the fields, we obtain the relativistic energy of the entire system [8]. In
this case, if the following relation holds:
, (24)
then the relativistic energy of the system is
conserved, as a consequence of the symmetry associated with the homogeneity of
time. To this end, in (24), it is necessary that the conditions
are simultaneously satisfied; that is, neither the Lagrangian
density nor the metric should depend on the coordinate time. In an equilibrium
closed system, we should expect that the quantity
does not depend
directly on time, and
is conserved in (22). Moreover, we
can expect that the energy of the fields themselves is also conserved as part of the relativistic energy
of the system.
Within the
framework of the special theory of relativity, the relation is valid. Then,
if one type of energy is conserved – either the entire relativistic energy, the energy of particles in the
fields’ scalar potentials, or the energy from the fields’ tensor invariants in
the Lagrangian density
(17) – then
the other two energies are simultaneously conserved.
Notably, in mechanics, the relation is used, where
denote the density of the ordinary
three-dimensional momentum and the density of the ordinary three-dimensional
force, respectively. Let us find the relationship
between the force density
and the
generalized force density
for the case of
rectilinear motion of a point particle considered to be a solid body. From (20-21) it
follows that:
. (25)
In the
case of a free solid point particle, the four-potential of the acceleration
field coincides with the four-velocity of the particle, . Within the framework of the special theory of
is the Lorentz
factor of the particle, and
is the velocity of the particle.
, and (25) can be transformed by transposing some terms to the right-hand
. (26)
difference between the force density and the
generalized force density
can be seen
from the right-hand side of (26). The total time derivative should be
considered the material derivative,
; therefore, the difference between the forces
associated with the time derivatives and with the gradients of the vector
potentials of the electromagnetic and gravitational fields, as well as the
pressure field in the particle matter.
Equation for metric
We divide
the Lagrangian density (5) and (16-17) used by us into two parts such that the
first part contains only the terms with the
four-currents, and the second part
explicitly contains the metric tensor among its terms:
Using in (10)
instead of the last term
in (11), we write the variation of the action
with respect to the metric tensor:
In (28) as well as
There are
two different possible approaches for analyzing the functional derivative .
In the
first approach it is assumed that the independent variables in the Lagrangian
density are the fields’ four-potentials, the four-currents and the metric
tensor. Then, in the case of variation with respect to the metric tensor, the
four-potentials and the four-currents are not varied and act as constants, just
like when the partial derivative is taken with respect to one variable, the
other variables are considered to be constant. This means that , and then
application of the principle of least action allows us to derive equations for
determining the four-potentials and the metric tensor (the field equations and
equations for the metric) in the physical system under consideration as
functions of the position vector . The four-currents are also found from the equations of motion as certain
functions of
. Thus, the fields’ four-potentials, four-currents and
metric tensor are in the same position with respect to the dependence on
. This approach was used in [8-10].
The other
approach is based on the fact that the independent variables in the Lagrangian
density are the four-potentials, the position vector and the metric
tensor. In this case it turns out that
since both the four-potentials according to [10] and
the products and
are assumed to
be not directly dependent on the metric tensor
. In this case,
in (28) will
depend only on
, and in the equation for the metric the terms, containing the products of
the four-potentials by the four-currents, will vanish. For this reason, in [12], the continuity equations for
the four-currents are indicated to be in the form
, (30)
completely define the
four-currents and
at each point
of the flow lines in terms of the initial values of these four-currents. As
expected, this should lead to products
not changing
when the metric is varied, after which their partial derivatives with respect
to the metric tensor vanish.
In this regard, it
should be argued that the above continuity equations (30) show that only the
products and
do not depend
on the relevant coordinates. The dependence of these products on the metric is
Furthermore, we follow the first approach with
action variation with respect to the metric tensor to derive the equation for
the metric. Therefore, according to (28) the equation for the metric has the following form:
In (27),
the metric tensor is present in the four terms with the field tensors, as well
as in the term with the Ricci tensor , the contraction of which with the metric tensor
gives the scalar curvature:
. We should take into account that the metric tensor
appears twice as often as the field tensors. This is why the variation with respect
to the metric tensor, for example, for the term with the electromagnetic field,
is as follows:
multiplier before on the right-hand side of (32) is equal to the functional derivative
respect to the electromagnetic field. Similar variations are present in the terms with the
tensors of other fields. With this in mind, we have in (31) the following:
In derivation of (33), we used the fact that the
functional derivative of the scalar curvature with respect to the metric tensor gives
[13]. This is due to the properties of the
Ricci tensor
Let us now
substitute (33) into (31) and take into account the
Lagrangian density
in the form of
The form
of equation (34) can be simplified by using the definitions of the
stress-energy tensors of the fields. The standard expression for the
stress-energy tensor of the electromagnetic field, which is symmetric with
respect to its indices, is as follows:
stress-energy tensors of other vector fields are expressed in the same form. In
particular, for the gravitational field within the framework of the covariant
theory of gravitation [8], for the acceleration field and for the pressure field, we can write:
Considering (35-36), in (34) we obtain the following:
, (37)
where is the total stress-energy tensor of
the system.
Let us
multiply both sides of equation (37) by and take into account that
, and
, since the relations
, and
are valid:
. (38)
to [8], to gauge the relativistic energy of the system, the cosmological constant
is given by:
. (39)
of (39) into (38) and (37) with , where
is a constant
of the order of unity, gives the following:
. (40)
(40) represents the equation for the metric and has the same form as in [8]. This
equation allows us to find the metric tensor components with a given
stress-energy tensor .
It should be noted
that the stress-energy tensor of acceleration field in (36) is responsible for the energy
flux densities associated with the presence of stationary and moving matter
particles of a physical system. In its meaning, the tensor
plays the same role as the stress-energy tensor of
matter particles
used in general theory of relativity. The
representation of the tensor
in (40) as part of
occurs similar to how the tensor
is represented in the corresponding equation for the
metric in general theory of relativity. However, the vector acceleration field
takes into account motion of particles through the four-potential and the field
tensor and therefore describes the physical system more accurately than the
scalar acceleration field in the general theory of relativity. Indeed, the
contains only the four-velocities
of particles, but does not include terms associated
with the four-accelerations of particles. Obviously, the energy and momentum of
accelerated particles differs from the energy and momentum of those particles
that do not have acceleration.
The tensor
consists of the
sum of the stress-energy tensors of all the vector fields present in the system
and is taken into account in the Lagrangian density. We can single out in
Lagrangian density (5) the part that contains the fields’ tensor invariants:
. (41)
The tensor
is expressed in
terms of
(41) by the following formula:
. (42)
right-hand side of (42) takes into account the relation .
In the
general theory of relativity, a similar formula is used to determine the
Hilbert stress-energy tensor as the total stress-energy tensor of the matter
and nongravitational fields. In this case, instead of the Lagrangian density , part of the
Lagrangian density is substituted into (42), which in the general theory of
relativity does not contain the scalar curvature or the cosmological constant and is
responsible for the matter and nongravitational fields [14-15].
Field equations
Let us
write the dependence on the variables for the Lagrangian density (5) in the
following form:
. (43)
We can
assume that four-currents, four-potentials, field tensors and the
metric tensor in (43) exist independently and therefore must vary
independently of each other. The variation of Lagrangian density (43) is as
We use (44) to derive the equations of the
electromagnetic field. In (44) only two terms are related to the four-potential
, namely
The action variation associated with the variation of
the four-potential must vanish. We will substitute
the abovementioned two terms into the first integral in (10):
. (45)
As shown in Appendix
A, the result of the variation in (45) leads to the standard electromagnetic
field equations in covariant form:
. (46)
similar steps for other fields, we find equations for the gravitational field,
the acceleration field and the pressure field, which are considered vector
. (47)
The second
equations in (46) and (47) for each field hold identically and are the
consequence of the fact that the field tensors are defined in terms of the
four-curls of the fields’ four-potentials [8], [10].
Equation of motion with field tensors
In (19) we
found the equation of motion of the physical system, expressed in terms of the
time derivative of the fields’ four-potentials. However, in addition to the four-potentials,
the Lagrangian density also contains field tensors, and it is often more convenient to express the
equation of motion precisely in terms of field tensors. This means that instead
of the field potentials we can use the field strengths.
Let us
take in the Lagrangian density variation (44) the part that is related to the
variations of the four-currents, and substitute this part into the first
integral in (10):
. (48)
Since ,
, then the variations of the four-currents are related to the variations of the
invariant charge density
, the invariant mass density
and the
. (49)
As a rule,
the following gauge conditions are imposed on the four-currents: , and
, so that the covariant divergences of the
four-currents are equal to zero. The gauge conditions represent the so-called
continuity equations, relating the charge density (the mass density) and the
four-velocity of the moving matter element. Due to this relation, the
in (49) become dependent on each other.
On the
other hand, we can assume that all the variations ,
are caused by the same variation
, since the charge density (the mass density) and the
four-velocity can be functions of the position vector
, that is, the functions of the coordinates and time.
Consequently, in (49) the variations of the
four-currents can be expressed in terms of
. When the matter element is moving, the velocity of
its motion and the charge density (the mass density) can change, but the charge
and mass of this matter are, as a rule, invariants of motion and are conserved.
This condition was used in [10], [13] to define the variations of the four-currents in terms of the
. (50)
Using the
expression for the Lagrangian density and taking into account (27), we find the
functional derivatives with respect to the four-currents:
. (51)
Let us
substitute the derivatives (51) and the variations of the four-currents (50) into (48):
. (52)
We will
transform by parts the first term in (52), related to the charge four-current :
The first
integral on the right-hand side of (53) is equal to zero, similar to (A4) in Appendix A, since it is an integral of the divergence of a certain four-vector.
The integrand in the last term on the right-hand side of (53) can be transformed by changing the indices:
the same as in (53-54), for the gravitational field, the acceleration field and the pressure
field with respect to the mass four-current , for (52) we find the following:
. (55)
From (55) it
follows, similarly to [8-9], [16-17], equation of motion of charged matter in
four vector fields:
. (56)
equation of motion (56) can be derived without variation with respect to the variable . If we substitute (39) into (37), then the equation
for the metric will have the following form:
. (57)
On the
left-hand side of 57), the Einstein tensor is multiplied
. Since the divergence of this tensor is equal to
, the divergence of the right-hand side will also be equal to zero:
cosmological constant is constant in
the sense that, for it, the following holds true
. Therefore, in (58) the relation must be satisfied
. (59)
into (59) the stress-energy tensors of
fields (35-36), and taking into account the relations from [8-9]:
, (60)
we arrive
at the equation of motion (56).
In the derivation of equation (56) we used variations (50), which are valid on the condition that the continuity equations are satisfied: ,
Like in [8], we
take into account the divergences of field equations (46) and (47) and the continuity equations. This leads to the following relations:
to (61), in curved spacetime an additional
relation appears between the Ricci tensor and the field
tensors, so that contraction of
with the field tensors must be equal
to zero.
If we take
into account the expression of equation of motion (59) and formula (42), then for the equation of motion we obtain the
, (62)
where represents the part of the
Lagrangian density, that contains the tensor invariants of the fields and for vector fields has the form (41). In this case, the time
component of equation (62) describes the generalized Poynting theorem for energy and energy flows
of fields [18].
3.5. Relativistic energy
According to [19] and formula (B10) in Appendix B, the
relativistic energy of a system is given by:
, (63)
where is the velocity of motion of matter
Proceeding further
as in [20], in (63) one can move from the summation over particles to the
integral over the volume of the system, and from the derivative to the
corresponding derivative of the
in integral over the volume. This gives the
. (64)
In (64) the expression is provided for the system’s relativistic energy,
containing the continuously distributed matter. Since , then taking into account (16-17)
the energy (64) can be represented as follows:
In ((65), the energy
calibration condition is taken into account in the form , which follows from the first relation in (40).
There are
cases, in which the derivatives with respect to the velocity in (65) can be neglected. Suppose the entire physical system is stationary,
does not rotate and consists of a multitude of matter elements in the form of
typical particles moving randomly at a low velocity. The field strengths and solenoidal
vectors at each point in space are found by means of the vector superposition
of the fields, generated by all the typical particles. The fields formed in this way can be
many times greater than the proper fields generated by an individual typical
particle. If this holds true, then at a first approximation we
can assume that the field potentials and do not depend on the velocities of
individual particles inside the system. Then
, and the last term in (65) is small in comparison with the other terms. The derivatives of the field
potentials with respect to the velocities also vanish. This was used to
estimate the energy of the relativistic uniform system in [8] and in [20].
situation changes, when there are few particles in the system and they move at
relativistic velocities, or when the entire system moves at a velocity close to
the speed of light. In this case, the last terms in (64-65) can already make a rather significant contribution to the system’s
energy. The derivatives of the field potentials with respect to the velocities also become significant.
Legendre transformation and Hamiltonian
mathematical procedure that allows us to pass on from the Lagrangian to the Hamiltonian
is called the Legendre
transformation. The importance of the Hamiltonian lies in its
association with the relativistic energy of the physical system.
This can be seen from the definition of
, which we will write in view of (63-64):
If the
Lagrangian depends explicitly on the time and , then both the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian vary
with time.
For the
sake of simplicity, we consider the simplest case, when the mass density , the
charge density
and the field potentials do not
explicitly depend on the particles’ velocities. In this case, the tensor
invariants and
do not depend on the particles’ velocities either, so that
. Next we need the relation
from [2]:
, (67)
where is the volume element in the
reference frame associated with the moving matter element, and
is the element of the covariant
four-volume of this matter from the standpoint of the coordinate observer.
In (16) can be expressed in terms of the velocity
of typical particles of the system:
. (68)
Taking into account
(67-68) we have:
We recall
that according to (21) is a consequence
of (14), where the derivative of the Lagrangian density
with respect to
the four-velocity
was calculated, while in (69)
is found
through the derivative with respect to the three-dimensional velocity
in the
In the case under consideration, the quantity in (69) represents a three-dimensional generalized momentum
of one matter element that has the invariant volume
and the velocity
of (69) into (66) gives the Legendre transformation for the continuously distributed
matter that allows us to pass on from the Lagrangian to the Hamiltonian:
. (70)
The sum of
70) means that the entire system can
be divided into volume elements, each of which can
be attributed to its own generalized momentum
and its own velocity
. The sum indicated on the
right-hand side of (70) is
replaced by the integral over the entire volume, occupied by the systems’
In the
classical approach, the Hamiltonian must depend not on the velocity
, but on the generalized momentum of
the particles and fields of each volume element,
. If in (70) we take the differentials of
, then the following relations hold:
. (71)
By substituting the relations and
from (71) into the Euler–Lagrange
equation (B3) in Appendix B, we obtain the
. (72)
(71-72) represent the standard Hamiltonian
equations. In this case, three-dimensional equation (72) repeats the more general four-dimensional equation (15) and can be obtained from the spatial component (20) of
this equation. To arrive at (72), it is sufficient to integrate (20) over the
invariant volume of one element of matter, taking into account the definition of in (69), the relation
in (71) and the expression for the Lagrangian
Relativistic momentum of a system
In Section
3.5 it was shown that if the Lagrangian does not depend explicitly on time or in the physical system under
consideration, then the system’s energy
is conserved, as a certain additive function.
The system’s momentum is also an additive function. To determine the momentum and its
conservation law, the property of space homogeneity is used, when in the case of simultaneous transfer of all
the particles of a closed system to a certain small constant vector
the state of
the system does not change. According to [19], the momentum of a physical system is determined by
the formula:
In (73) is the three-dimensional momentum of one
volume element, the Lagrangian is
. For the case of continuous distribution of matter, it is necessary in (73) to pass on from the sum to the integral, then the system’s momentum becomes equal to
, (74)
integration must be performed over the entire system’s volume, and
are components of the Lagrangian density
of the system.
If in (74) we use expressions for (68) and
(17), then it
is clear that the main contribution to the momentum of the system is made by
the quantity
, which contains the fields’ vector potentials inside the matter and
which must be integrated over the volume:
derivatives in (75) take into account the possible dependence of the field potentials on
the velocity of the matter elements. In
addition, the sum
should be taken into account in the momentum
in case, when part of the Lagrangian density
, containing the tensor invariants, depends on the velocities
of the matter particles. This means
that the system’s momentum is also contributed by the part of the field that goes beyond
the matter’s limits and moves together with the matter. The
in the form (75) was also found in [20].
Four-momentum of a system
to the standard definition, the four-momentum is defined as a four-vector, the
components of which include energy and momentum. We should note that in (75), the momentum is formed mainly with the help of the fields’ vector
potentials inside the matter. These vector potentials are the components of the
fields’ four-potentials that are covariant four-vectors. In connection with
this, as in [20] we define the four-momentum as a covariant vector of the
following form:
As a rule,
the motion of a physical system relative to a certain reference frame is taken into account through the
motion of the physical system’s center of momentum. By definition, in the
center-of-momentum frame
, and the energy becomes minimal and
equal to the invariant rest energy
. In such a reference frame
, associated with the center of momentum, there should be
Let us assume that the four-dimensional coordinates of the reference frame
are related to the coordinates
of the reference frame
by functional relations
Then the four-momentum (77) can be converted into four-momentum
observed in the reference frame
using the formula:
In (79), the components of the Jacobian are calculated using functions (78).
From (76-79) for the time and spatial components of the following expressions follow:
In (80), the index is , and the
are equal to zero according to (77). From (77)
and (80) for the energy and momentum components in the reference frame
we obtain the following
. (81)
Let us define the inertial mass of a physical system as a scalar factor by
which the four-velocity of the center of momentum must be multiplied in order
to obtain the four-momentum in the reference frames
. (82)
Since the square of the four-velocity is equal to the
square of the speed of light, , the inertial
mass can be found in any frame of reference through the square of the
four-momentum using the formula
From (76-77) and (81-82) it follows:
According to (83), the rest energy in the reference frame
of the center of momentum depends on the time
of the four-velocity of the center of momentum. To calculate energy
and momentum
in an arbitrary reference frame
, it is also
necessary to know the time components of the Jacobian
In the special theory of relativity, relations (83) are simplified. Let the reference frame move along the axis
of the reference frame
with a constant speed
. At the
initial moment of time, the center of momentum of the physical system,
associated with the origin of the coordinate system
, is at the
origin of the coordinate system
. In this case,
we have
, and the
corresponds to the Lorentz transformations and has the following form:
. (84)
Taking (84) into account, standard expressions for energy and momentum in the
special theory of relativity follow from (83):
. (85)
In (14), the volume density of the generalized four-momentum was
determined. We can integrate this density over the proper volumes
of all the particles and find the generalized four-momentum of the system:
. (86)
By virtue of its construction, the generalized
four-momentum (86) is a
four-vector, and the energy
is related to the particle energy
expressed through scalar field potentials.
Let us substitute the Lagrangian density (5) into the
expression and again assume that the four-potentials and
the field tensors do not depend directly on the four-velocity
of any given matter element. Then relation
(19) holds true for
, and the quantities
, which are part of
the generalized four-momentum, follow from (86):
. (87)
As shown in (87), the energy and the momentum
of the system’s particles are part of the
system’s energy
(65) and momentum
(75), respectively. In
addition, in case when the four-potentials and the field tensors do not depend
directly on the particles’ velocities,
coincide with each other.
Angular momentum
To determine the angular momentum and
its conservation law, the property of space isotropy is used when, in the case of simultaneous rotation of
all the particles of a closed system about a certain axis by a constant small
angular vector , the state of the system does not change. According to [19], in a closed system of particles the angular momentum vector is
conserved, which in view of (73) equal to:
. (88)
quantity is the
three-dimensional momentum of one volume element of the system associated with
a particle with number
substitute into (88) the Lagrangian, which consists of two parts . In addition, for
, we can
proceed from summation in (88) to integration over the volume:
. (89)
We can
also substitute from (68) into (89):
In (90), we can see that the main part of the angular momentum of the system
with continuous matter distribution is created by the vector potentials of all
the fields in the matter. The derivatives of the fields’
potentials also contribute to the results. In (90) there is also an addition that depends on the derivatives of the
with respect to
the velocities of the system’s particles when the field tensor invariants
depend on these velocities.
It should
be noted that the angular momentum is a
pseudovector. This is because if we
replace the right-hand spatial coordinate system with the left-hand coordinate
will change its sign.
Angular momentum pseudotensor of system of particles
In (76), we defined the four-momentum , with the help of which we will now define the
four-dimensional angular momentum
pseudotensor. For the system of
particles, this pseudotensor with
covariant indices is calculated by the following formula:
. (91)
In (91) all the quantities in brackets refer to one particle with the current
number , and the pseudotensor for the entire system is found
by summing on all the particles. In brackets, we find the vector product of two
quantities – the position vector and four-momentum taken with covariant
indices. Since the position vector
is not a
four-vector, this justifies the name of a pseudotensor for
We find
the individual components of the pseudotensor (91) within the framework of the special theory of
relativity, for which we use the expressions for the position
vector and four-momentum (76) for each particle in the Cartesian coordinate system:
Since the
pseudotensor is antisymmetric, its components ,
are equal to zero. We can see from (92) that the pseudotensor components are two three-dimensional vectors.
One of these vectors consists of the components
, and is written as follows:
. (93)
The other
vector consists of the components ,
and represents the system’s angular momentum
in the form of (88):
Taking into account
(93-94), the angular momentum pseudotensor of the system of particle takes the
following form:
. (95)
3.11. Angular momentum pseudotensor in the case of continuous
distribution of matter
To turn to the continuous medium
approximation in (91), should be replaced by
as an equivalent
of the four-momentum for one volume element, and the sum over the particles
should be replaced by the volume integral:
. (96)
If in [2] the
angular momentum pseudotensor is defined in the form , that is, with contravariant components, then in (96)
the primary expression
is with covariant indices. This is because the
definition of a four-momentum is its expression
with a covariant index.
The components of
the pseudotensor in (96) in Cartesian coordinates are as follows:
. (97)
In (97) the pseudotensor components ,
form a
three-dimensional vector:
. (98)
Moreover, the pseudotensor components ,
form another three-dimensional vector, which
is the system’s angular momentum in integral form:
The components of
vectors (98) and
(99) form the components of the angular
momentum pseudotensor
for a continuous medium in the same form as in (95)
for the case of a system of particle.
3.12. Angular momentum pseudotensor of a body
taking into account its fields
In the general case,
the components of the angular momentum pseudotensor must be found by summing
the components in the continuously distributed matter of the body, with the
corresponding components associated with fields outside the body. For the
volume occupied by matter, formulas (98-99) should be used, and for the volume
outside matter, where there are only fields, formulas (93-94) should be used.
We will proceed from
the expression (74) for the momentum of the system taking into account the
Lagrangian , in which the Lagrangian density
consists of two parts. For the volume occupied
by matter, the momentum differential is equal to:
. (100)
The fields also
contribute to the momentum of one volume element through , taking into account the definition
. (101)
Substituting (100) into
(99), and
(101) into (94), and summing up the results,
we arrive at the angular momentum of the system in the form (89):
. (102)
In (102), one part
of the angular momentum is expressed through an integral, and the other part
is expressed through the sum over all particles of the system.
differential of the integral part of the system’s energy and the energy of one
volume element that depends on the derivative , according to (64), are equal:
. (103)
Substituting (100) and
(103) into (98), we find the vector
related to the volume occupied by matter of the body:
Let us now
substitute (101) and
(104) into (93), and find the vector
associated with the fields:
. (106)
Summing up (105) and
(106), we find the so-called time-varying
dynamic mass moment:
In (107) it is
convenient to use the Lagrangian density component in the form (68),
, where
is given in (27). In this case, we should take into
account the energy calibration condition in the form
, which follows from the first
relation in (40).
In the mass moment (107), we
select terms containing the radius-vectors
, and with their help we determine the
radius-vector of the center of momentum of the system under consideration:
Within the framework
of the special theory of relativity, we can assume that the center of momentum
of a closed system moves at a certain constant velocity . In this case, the momentum
holds the relation
where the energy
of the system is proportional to the Lorentz factor
the inertial mass of
the system and the square of the speed of light. Taking this into account, as
well as the expressions in (74) and
in (108), for the mass moment (107) we have:
. (109)
In a
closed system, the pseudotensor is conserved,
and its components are constant values. This approach implies conservation of the angular momentum,
, as well as conservation of the mass moment
and of the energy
of the system,
In this case, we can introduce a constant radius-vector
, expressing the position of the system’s center of momentum at
. Then, the equation of rectilinear motion of the
center of momentum of the closed system follows from (109):
4. Conclusion
The main purpose of using the Lagrangian formalism is
derivation from the principle of least action of the field equations, equation
for the metric and equations of motion for each particular Lagrangian. A more
in-depth approach provides, in general form, formulas relating the Lagrangian
density to the corresponding equation or integral of motion. An example here is the general Euler–Lagrange equation (2).
Similarly, for vector fields we
present equation of motion (13) expressed in terms of Lagrangian density,
equation for the metric (31), formula for the stress-energy tensor (42), Euler–Lagrange equation for vector fields
by the example of the electromagnetic field (A7) in Appendix A; Hamiltonian equations (71-72).
The Lagrangian density is also present in the formulas for
energy (63-64), in the Hamiltonian (66), in the momentum (73-74); in the generalized four-momentum (86); in the angular momentum (88-89); in the four-dimensional angular
momentum pseudotensor (95); in the mass moment (107); in the radius-vector of the center of momentum (108).
When calculating the energy of a
system using the Lagrangian formalism, the problem of energy calibration
arises. In curved spacetime, additional difficulties arise due to the presence
of scalar curvature and the cosmological
in the expression for
energy (64). In this case,
is not uniquely defined,
and the value
can be found only after
solving the equation for the metric and therefore contains undefined
coefficients. In order to obtain expression for energy in which both
are absent, the energy calibration condition
in the form
is used, which
follows from the first relation in (40). As a result, we obtain a unique
expression for energy (65), which contains only observable physical quantities.
When presenting the
results, we paid special attention to derivation of covariantly written
formulas suitable for use in continuously distributed matter in curved
spacetime. In this case, the Ricci tensor is not
equal to zero, and its contraction with the field tensors in (61) vanishes.
This emphasizes the equality of all fields making the same contribution to the
spacetime metric. On the other hand, this gives a limitation on the possible
degree of curvature of spacetime for given fields. All fields acting in a
physical system make a corresponding contribution to the four-momentum and to
the angular momentum of the system. As a result, the inertial mass of the
system is expressed through the square of the four-momentum in the form , as in the special
theory of relativity.
In (15) we presented
the equation of motion of a physical system, expressed in terms of derivatives
of field potentials. This led us to the concepts of generalized four-momentum
density (14) and generalized four-force density (15). Next, we presented the
equation for the metric, the equations for the fields, and the equation of
motion written using field tensors. The following sections show how energy,
Hamiltonian, momentum, four-momentum, angular momentum, and the angular
momentum pseudotensor are defined using the Lagrangian formalism.
For the angular
momentum pseudotensor, it is shown that its canonical representation is a
representation with covariant indices. Cases are considered separately when the
physical system consists of small particles, is a continuous medium, or is a
large body. For each of these cases, the corresponding formulas for the
components of the angular momentum pseudotensor are determined taking into
account the fields of the system.
Thus, for vector
fields it turns out to be possible to derive the main physical quantities in a
covariant way. These quantities are necessary to describe the equations of
motion and evolution of physical systems containing continuously distributed
matter and basic acting fields, such as gravitational and electromagnetic
fields, acceleration field and pressure field.
The results obtained are a
consequence of the fact that all vector fields acting in the system have
corresponding four-potentials and field tensors. As a result, the equations for
each field have the same form [8], which allows us to consider all fields of
the system as components of a single general field [16].
of interests
The authors declare that they
have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that
could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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Appendix A
Let us consider a
variation of that part of the action function that is associated with the
electromagnetic field:
. (A1)
The electromagnetic
field tensor is expressed by the formula ; therefore
. We use this for transformation in (A1):
The integral of the difference of the second and third
terms on the right-hand side of (A2) taken over the four-volume is equal to zero. This term is equal to the
antisymmetric difference between two divergences, which becomes the difference between two partial derivatives of the
following form:
We apply
the divergence theorem to the first term on the right-hand side of (A3):
three-dimensional unit vector , where the index
, represents an outward-directed normal vector to the
two-dimensional surface
, surrounding our moving physical system. The equality to zero in (A4) follows from the fact that the variation
of the
four-potential of the electromagnetic field at the time points
is equal to
zero according to the condition of variation of the action function. In
addition, in the case of integration over the surface
, the variation
on this surface
is also considered to equal zero.
For the
second term on the right-hand side of (A3) we obtain a similar result, therefore it suffices to substitute into (A1) only the first, fourth and fifth terms on the right-hand side of (A2):
In (A5), we transform the second term, first changing the places of the
indices and
, and then using the antisymmetry of the
electromagnetic field tensor in the form
. (A6)
The Euler–Lagrange equation for the electromagnetic field follows from (A6):
As Lagrangian
density in (A7) we use the Lagrangian density for vector
fields, equal to the sum of two components
, where
In (A8)
the tensor is contained in
only in one
term. The variation in this term with respect to the tensor
will equal:
into account (A8) and (A9), the functional derivative of the
Lagrangian density with respect to the tensor will be as follows:
. With the help of
in (A8) we find the derivative with respect to the electromagnetic
all this into (A7), we arrive at the equation of the electromagnetic field, to which we
can also add the second equation without the field source, resulting from the
antisymmetry of the tensor :
. (A10)
Appendix B
standard determination of the formula for the system’s relativistic energy is
carried out in two stages [19]. First,
the Euler–Lagrange equation is derived on the
assumption that the Lagrangian depends only on the current time , on the three-dimensional radius-vector
, which specifies the location of the element of
matter of the system with the current number
at the
moment of time
, and on the velocity
of motion of this
element of matter. Thus, for the Lagrangian the dependence is
assumed in the form
. Next, the action
is varied and
the variation
is equated to
zero. In this case, the action does not vary with respect to time:
. (B1)
Since , in (B1) we have
. (B2)
In this case, for
the second term in (B2) there is the equality
since the
variations are equal to
zero at the time points
. Then the Euler–Lagrange equation for each matter element follows from the condition
in (B2):
In the
second stage, we search for the time derivative of the Lagrangian, expressed in
terms of the coordinates and the velocity of each of matter
. (B4)
Using in (B4) (B3), we find:
. (B5)
We see in
(B5) that if, in the physical system,
the Lagrangian does not depend explicitly on the time and , then the system’s energy
is conserved, given by the expression:
. (B6)