Progress In
Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 103, pp. 115-127 (2021).
theorem on the magnetic field of rotating charged bodies
Sergey G. Fedosin
PO box 614088, Sviazeva str. 22-79, Perm, Perm Krai, Russia
Abstract: The method of retarded potentials is used to derive the Biot-Savart law, taking into account the correction that
describes the chaotic motion of charged particles in rectilinear currents. Then
this method is used for circular currents and the following theorem is proved: The magnetic field on the rotation axis of an axisymmetric charged body or charge distribution has only one
component directed along the rotation axis, and the magnetic field is
expressed through the surface integral, which does not require integration over
the azimuthal angle . In the general case, for arbitrary charge distribution and for any location of the rotation axis,
the magnetic field is expressed through the volume integral, in which the
integrand does not depend on the angle
. The obtained simple formulas in cylindrical and
spherical coordinates allow us to quickly find the external and central
magnetic field of rotating bodies on the rotation axis.
Keywords: magnetic field; Biot-Savart law; vector potential.
In the general case, stationary motion of a charged
particle consists of rectilinear motion at a constant velocity and rotational
motion at a constant angular velocity. Each of these motions in its own way
leads to appearance of the corresponding magnetic field vector, so that the
total magnetic field of a particle can be found by adding these two magnetic
field vectors. If we consider stationary motion of a set of particles or motion
of a charged body, then the total magnetic field of the system can be found
based on the superposition principle as the sum of the magnetic field vectors
of individual particles.
The result of flow of a rectilinear current of charged
particles has been studied quite well, and for this case there is an
experimentally derived Biot-Savart law, which can be
written in a simplified form as follows [1]:
, (1)
where is the magnetic field induction at a
certain fixed point 1, calculated using the integral over the volume of area 2
occupied by the currents flowing in it;
is the vacuum permeability;
is the electric current density vector inside area 2,
depending on the coordinates, but not on the time;
is the vector from the point with the current inside
area 2 to point 1; the quantity
is the vector product of
There are various possible approaches, in which Equation
(1) is found. As shown in [2], within the framework of the special theory of relativity,
the magnetic field corresponding to (1) can be calculated as a consequence of
the Lorentz transformations for the electromagnetic force, acting from one
charged particle on another particle. Just as well, we can use the Lorentz
transformation of the components of the electromagnetic tensor from the moving reference frame
, where there is only the electric field
, into the stationary reference frame
Indeed, by definition, , where
is a four-gradient,
is a four-potential, expressed in
terms of the scalar electric potential
, the speed of light
and the vector potential
. Given that
is a four-vector, and the same is
true for
in the special theory of
relativity, the Lorentz transformations can be applied both to
and to
. In this case, the components of any four-vector
are transformed in the same way
as the components of the four-dimensional quantity
that defines the location of a
point in space and time. All this leads to the Lorentz transformations for the
electromagnetic tensor components, so that in the coordinate notation we have
where the four-dimensional quantities define the corresponding Lorentz
Since the nonzero tensor components equal ,
, then for the electromagnetic field components in
we obtain the following:
In expressions (2) we set , then the magnetic field in
will equal
, where
is the velocity of motion of the
reference frame
along the axis
, the Lorentz factor
. Let us suppose that the electric field in
arises from the static charge
distribution with the constant charge density
. This can be written as follows
where is a vector from the distribution
center to the observation point,
is a vector from the distribution
center to an arbitrary point in the volume of the charge distribution, and the
integration is performed over the volume
of the charge distribution, which
is fixed in
. Then the magnetic field in
, in view of the relations
, can be represented by the formula
where primed quantities are specified in .
Let us suppose now that a certain volume is uniformly filled with a set of
moving charge distributions, so that
, and we need to find the total magnetic field outside the volume
. In this case, we can use the superposition principle for the magnetic
fields. Instead of
now we should use
, where
is a vector from the center of
the volume
to observation point 1,
is a vector from the center of
the volume
to point 2 with the current
in the volume
. This gives
Formula (1) is one of the main formulas in
magnetostatics to calculate in the first approximation the magnetic field of
constant distributed currents. As for the case of rotational motion of charged
particles, this situation is more complex, since rotation is not described by
an inertial reference frame. When a charged body rotates, the charged particles
of this body also rotate, which leads to the current density , while the vector
is usually directed tangentially
to the curves along which the charges rotate. The non-rectilinearity of the
inside the rotating charged body
markedly affects the resulting magnetic field, and therefore a different
formula is required instead of (1).
In [4-5] it was shown that the stationary magnetic
field of axisymmetric rotating charge distribution, in principle, can be
expressed in terms of the strength and the scalar potential
of the electric field of this
distribution. If the motion of charged particles is rectilinear, the magnetic
field is expressed only in terms of
in full accordance with the
Lorentz transformations for the components of the electromagnetic field tensor
in inertial reference frames. This once again underlines the difference between
rectilinear motion and rotational motion and the need for different formulas
for the magnetic field, depending on the type of motion.
In this regard, our goal will be to derive
relativistic formulas for magnetic fields arising from a system of constant
currents and from a stationary rotating charge distribution. In contrast to the
above approaches, the magnetic field will be calculated taking into account the
intrinsic chaotic motion of charges. In the next section, we will briefly
present the relativistic expression for the Biot-Savart
law and estimate its accuracy, and in section 3 we will pass on to the analysis
of rotational motion of charges and currents and to the proof of the theorem on
the magnetic field for this case.
2. Rectilinear motion of
In order to estimate the
accuracy of formula (1) for the magnetic field of stationary currents, it is
necessary to proceed from the basis of the electromagnetic theory. As a
starting point, we will use the method of retarded potentials [6-7], according
to which the scalar and vector potentials outside of an arbitrarily moving
charged point particle with the number are expressed by the formulas:
, (3)
where is the particle charge;
is the vacuum permittivity;
is the particle velocity at an early time point
is the vector from the charged
particle to the point
, at which the potentials
are calculated; the vector
has the length
and is calculated at an early
time point
is the speed of light.
The early time point is defined by the formula:
The meaning of this equality lies in the fact that
during the time the electromagnetic action from
the charge
must travel the distance
at the speed
to the point
with the radius-vector
in order for the potentials
to appear at this point.
In the four-dimensional formalism of Minkowski spacetime,
the characteristic of the electromagnetic field is the four-potential, which
for the particle under consideration has the form:
. (5)
All the unprimed quantities in (5), including ,
, are measured at the time
in the reference frame
, in which the particle is moving.
The subscript
runs over the values
, so that the four-potential component with the subscript
is related to the scalar potential:
In Cartesian coordinates , therefore, according to (5),
. The quantity
is the scalar potential of the particle
in the reference frame
associated with the particle;
is the four-velocity of the
particle. From (5) it follows that
, where
is the Lorentz factor of the
particle, besides,
, according to (3), at
. The equality
means that the special theory of
relativity in four-dimensional formalism is correct for point particles, either for inertial reference frames and in the absence of particle
acceleration, or with the proviso that values in retarded time should be used. If these conditions are not met,
then it is better to return to the original principles of the theory in the
form of (3). For comparison, in [3] the formulas
for retarded potentials are obtained based on the solutions of the wave
equations for the potentials using the Lorentz gauge. Thus, it is shown that
Maxwell equations and retarded potentials are consistent with each other.
Let us express the coordinates of the point in
in terms of the coordinates of
this point in
using the Poincaré
transformations, taking into account that in
the point
is defined by the radius-vector
It is assumed here that at the origin of the coordinate
systems in
coincide, and the clock in
shows the time
When the charge is at the origin in
, the potential
at the point
is expressed in terms of
and the coordinates in
in a standard
Let us substitute (6) here and express in terms of the coordinates
. To do this, it suffices to find the square of the length of the vector
in terms of the vectors
. (7)
This allows us to express the scalar potential in and the vector potential in
The time is present under the root
sign, which leads to the dependence of the scalar and vector potentials on
time. This is a consequence of the coordinates’ transformation (6) and can be
considered as a result of the terminal velocity of the electromagnetic effect
propagation and the need to take into account its retardation in the Lienard-Wichert potentials (3). As a rule, the vector
potential and the magnetic field of a moving charge are searched for at the
time point
, which allows us to simplify the expression for
. In most cases, the magnitude of the velocity
is much less than the speed
of light, which makes it possible to neglect the term
in comparison with
. With this in mind, we have:
The distance from the observer's viewpoint in
is the distance from the charge
to the point
where the vector potential
is sought.
Now let us assume that there is a set of closely
spaced particles, forming compact spatial distribution, moving as a whole at
the velocity . The total vector potential from the set of charged particles is obtained
by integrating over the volume
of the charge distribution, for which the relation
is used, where
is the density of the moving charge,
denotes the differential of the
moving volume, corresponding to the volume of one particle. Let us also
consider the reference frame
associated with the center of this
charge distribution. If we denote the vector from the charge distribution
center to the point
, and the vector from the charge distribution center to the charge
, then we will obtain
. Taking all this into account, for
the vector potential of the charge distribution we find:
Let us now assume that there is a certain set of
charge distributions, moving at different constant velocities in a sufficiently
large space volume , which is fixed relative to the reference frame
. In the limit of the currents continuously distributed over the volume,
we can assume that
is equal to the sum of all moving
volumes of individual charge distributions:
In order to find the total vector potential, we need
to sum up the vector potentials of each charge distribution. Let
us assume that
is the vector from the center of the
to the center of an arbitrary
charge distribution,
is the vector from the center of the
to the point
, so that
. Denoting
, we obtain
. Now the sum of the vector potentials of charge distributions reduces
to the integral over the fixed volume
The quantities ,
denote the coordinates of the
points of the volume
and are specified relative to the
center of the volume
Inside each individual charge distribution in the
comoving reference frame , the particles have their own
chaotic motion at a certain velocity
. In this case, using the vector rule of relativistic addition of
velocities, for the absolute velocity
and the Lorentz factor
of an arbitrary particle in the reference
we find:
, (9)
where is the Lorentz factor for the
is the Lorentz factor for the
, and
is the Lorentz factor for the
Taking into account the chaotic velocity in (9) leads to some change in
the velocities of the particles in
, and in (8) the velocity
should be substituted instead of
the velocity
. But if we use the condition of chaotic motion of the charged particles
and take into account a great
number of these particles, we can simplify the problem by determining the
average values for
. With such averaging at a selected point inside the distribution of
particles we should take a small volume adjacent to the point, containing a sufficient
number of particles, and perform averaging over time and volume. In the first
approximation, according to (9), we obtain
. Then, instead of
in (8) we should substitute
and take into account the
definition for the current density
. (10)
In order to find the components of the vector
potential , we need to take three integrals in (10), separately for each component
of the current density
. The quantities
are functions of the coordinates
inside the fixed volume
. However, only the radius-vector
, that defines the position of the
relative to the center of the
, depends on the coordinates
of the point
. Therefore, when calculating the magnetic field by the formula
, the curl operation must only be applied to the quantity
Introducing the curl under the integral sign in (10),
and taking into account the equality we obtain:
. (11)
Expressions (11) and (1) coincide in appearance,
taking into account that . Also, if in (11) we set
, without taking into account the proper chaotic motion of the charged
particles inside the matter and assuming that the velocity
of the charged particles is
small in comparison with the speed of light
, then (11) turns into (1). Thus, the magnetic field in the Biot-Savart law (1) is determined with relative inaccuracy,
equal in the order of magnitude to
3. Rotational motion of
Let the charge rotate about a certain axis at the
constant angular velocity
at a constant distance from this
axis, equal to
. At the time point
, the linear rotational velocity is equal to
where the
defines the position of the charge as a function of cylindrical
, and also as a function of time. The quantity
denotes the initial phase,
specifying the components
Let us assume that the vector connects the origin of
coordinates and the point
, at which we need to find the
magnetic field. Then the vector
will be a vector from the charged particle to the
point at the time point
. The length of this vector equals:
According to (4), the early time point depends on the length
of the vector
, which is the vector
, but taken at the early time point
. Since
, then for the quantities at the
early time point
we find:
, (12)
Let us substitute into the Lienard-Wiechert formula (3)
for the vector potential outside the moving point charged particle the
rotational velocity instead of
, and take into account that
Now we need to sum up the vector potentials of individual charged particles.
Let there be some rotating body, containing a great number of closely spaced
charged particles. These particles can also move chaotically at the velocity
in the reference frame
, which is fixed relative to the body.
For the case of rotation, the Lorentz factor in (9) should be replaced with
, and the velocity
should be replaced with the
rotational velocity
. After averaging of the Lorentz factor
, its average value
appears. The charge
of the rotating point particle in
cylindrical coordinates can be expressed in terms of the invariant charge
, the Lorentz factors
, and in terms of the moving volume
Here is the charge density of the charged
matter moving with the Lorentz factor
; due to the Lorentz contraction we will obtain
, where
is the volume element of a
non-rotating body in cylindrical coordinates. Taking this into account, the sum
of the vector potentials of individual particles is transformed into an
integral over the body’s volume:
If we take into account (12), then the vector
potential of the rotating body has two non-zero
. (14)
The magnetic field is found by the formula . Taking into account (14), we will calculate the component
of the magnetic field:
Taking the partial derivatives, we find:
From the relations ,
it follows:
Therefore, for the partial derivatives we can write:
. (17)
Let us substitute (17) into (15):
From (13) and (17) we find:
From here we express ,
, and then substitute
into the expression for
. (18)
Calculation of the components and
turns out to be easier, since
Using (17) and (18), we find:
. (20)
Let us place the origin of the coordinate system on
the rotation axis, so that the axis would coincide with the rotation axis.
Suppose now that the point
, where the magnetic field is sought,
lies on the rotation axis. Then the vector from the origin of coordinates to
the point
will equal
, and, according to (13), will be
. In view of (16), for the magnetic field components (20) at
we find:
If the coordinate of the point
is small, then the same could be
said about the quantity
. Then we can assume that
and expand
to the second-order terms. This simplifies the expressions for
Suppose now that the rotating charged body is
axisymmetric relative to the axis . Then, in (21) integration over the coordinates
will be independent of the coordinate
. In this case, integration in (21) over the coordinate
in the range from 0 to
will give zero, so that the components
on the rotation axis
will become equal to zero.
Let us now consider the component in (19) on the axis
, where
are equal to zero, while
. (22)
We see that the integrand in formula (22) for does not contain any explicit
function of the variable
, except for
, in case of any choice of the
rotation axis. In particular, the rotation axis can also be outside the
rotating charged body.
For the body axisymmetric relative to the axis , integration over the cylindrical variables
turns out to be independent of
. In this case, integration over the variable
in the range from 0 to
will give just
. Then, for (22) we obtain the following:
. (23)
we have proved the following theorem: The magnetic field on the rotation axis of an axisymmetric charged body or charge distribution has only one
component directed along the rotation axis, and the magnetic field is
expressed through the surface integral, which does not require integration over
the azimuthal angle . In the general case, for arbitrary charge distribution and for any location of the rotation axis, the magnetic
field is expressed through the volume integral, in which the integrand does not
depend on the angle
Expression (23) can be rewritten in spherical
coordinates, taking into account that the volume element is , and also
. (24)
The absence of the need for integration over the
variable in (23-24) simplifies calculation
of the magnetic field on the rotation axis of the axisymmetric charge
4. Magnetic field on the
cylinder’s axis
Let us use (23) to calculate the magnetic field on the
axis of a long solid cylinder, which has the length , the radius
and rotates at the angular
. It is assumed that before the onset of rotation, this cylinder was
uniformly charged over the entire volume with the charge density
, and rotation does not lead to the charge shift due to the centrifugal
force. For the solid cylinder we can also set the Lorentz factor
and thus neglect the proper
chaotic motion of charged particles.
Placing the origin of the coordinate system at the
center of the cylinder, from (23) we find:
. (25)
In (25), the
inner integral defines the field from the thin rotating charged disk with the
radius , located at the distance
from the center of the cylinder, and the
integral over the variable
sums up the fields from all the thin disks
located in the range from
perpendicularly to the axis
Outside the cylinder at and at
, the result of integration in (25)
will be as follows:
Formula (27) is obtained from (26) by replacing with
. From (26-27) it follows that at the ends of the cylinder, where
, the magnetic field on the axis
is the same and is equal in value
. (28)
The approximate value in (28) corresponds to the case
of a long cylinder, for which .
Let us now find the magnetic field inside the
cylinder. For example, let . We will cut the cylinder at such
with a plane perpendicular to the axis
, and we will obtain two new cylinders, the lengths of which will be
equal to
, respectively. The magnetic field at the point
on the axis of the original
cylinder will be equal to the sum of the magnetic fields at the ends of the two
new cylinders. In (28) substituting instead of
the lengths
, respectively, and summing up the results, we find:
At the magnetic field (29) coincides
with the field (28) at the end of the cylinder.
At from (29) we find the following
magnetic field at the center of the cylinder:
Comparison with (28) shows that the field at the
center of a long cylinder is almost twice as large as the field on the axis at the ends of this cylinder.
This difference is due to the increase in the field non-uniformity at the ends
of the cylinder.
At large , when
, it is possible to expand the roots in (26) to the second-order terms.
As a result, we obtain:
, (30)
so that the field on the cylinder’s axis at large
distances decreases in inverse proportion to the cube of the distance to the center of the cylinder.
4. Magnetic field on the
ball’s axis
Let us assume that there is a uniformly charged ball with
the radius , the invariant volume charge density
, and rotating at the angular velocity
about the axis
. For a solid ball, we can assume that the Lorentz factor of the charged
particles is
in the reference frame rigidly associated
with the ball.
We will first calculate the magnetic field outside the
ball on the axis . If the origin of the coordinate system is at the center of the ball,
then for the field at
and at
, according to (24), we can write:
From (31) it follows:
. (32)
In contrast to the field far from the rotating long
cylinder in (30), the external field on the ball’s rotation axis in (32) starts
decreasing in inverse proportion to immediately outside the ball’s the
limits. At the pole of the ball at
the magnetic field will equal
If we set in (31), the field at the center
of the ball is found:
The obtained estimates of the magnetic field
correspond exactly to the values in [8].
Based on the Lienard-Wiechert expressions for retarded
potentials (3), we derive the Biot-Savart law for the
magnetic field in the form of (11). The peculiarity of the obtained expression
is that it takes into account the proper chaotic motion of the charged
particles inside the matter. This allows us to use (11) to analyze the
electromagnetic field in the relativistic uniform system with freely moving
charged particles.
The simplifications made in the derivation of (11)
show that the Biot-Savart law has relative inaccuracy,
equal in the order of magnitude to . Here
is the speed of light,
denotes the average velocity of the charged
particles in the current density
, and
is the charge density of the moving matter.
From rectilinear currents we pass on to stationary
circular currents created by rotation of the charge distributions, and again
use the Lienard-Wichert potentials. As a result, we arrive
at the theorem on the magnetic field of rotating charged bodies. By exactly
calculating the partial derivatives of the vector potential with respect to the
coordinates, taking into account the retardation effect, we derive formulas (22-24)
for the magnetic field on the rotation axis. According to the proven theorem,
the magnetic field with any position of the rotation axis is defined by the
integral over the charge distribution volume, while the integrand does not
depend on the angular coordinate . For axisymmetric bodies, the magnetic field on the rotation axis is
always directed only along this axis, while the field does not depend on
, in accordance with the symmetry of these bodies.
In order to illustrate how the theorem works, we apply
it first to a solid cylinder, and then to a ball, taking into account the fact
that both bodies rotate and are uniformly charged over their volume. Formula (23) in cylindrical coordinates and formula (24) in spherical
coordinates allow us to quickly and accurately determine the external magnetic
field of rotating charged axisymmetric bodies, as well as the field at their
center. In other cases, general formulas (21-22) should be used.
The proven theorem can also be used as an additional
tool to determine electromagnetic fields when solving wave equations, which
allows to determine the integration constants more precisely and to simplify
gauging the obtained solutions for potentials and fields.
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