Gazi University Journal of Science, Vol.
37, Issue 3, pp. 1509-1538 (2024).
Generalized Four-momentum for Continuously Distributed Materials
Sergey G. Fedosin
PO box 614088, Sviazeva str. 22-79, Perm, Perm Krai, Russia
Abstract: A four-dimensional differential
Euler-Lagrange equation for continuously distributed materials is derived based
on the principle of least action, and instead of Lagrangian, this equation
contains the Lagrangian density. This makes it possible to determine the
density of generalized four-momentum in covariant form as derivative of the
Lagrangian density with respect to four-velocity of typical particles of a
system taken with opposite sign, and then calculate the generalized
four-momentum itself. It is shown that the generalized four-momentum of all
typical particles of a system is an integral four-vector and therefore should
be considered as a special type of four-vectors. The presented expression for
generalized four-momentum exactly corresponds to the Legendre transformation
connecting the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian. The obtained formulas are used to
calculate generalized four-momentum of stationary and moving relativistic
uniform systems for the Lagrangian with particles and vector fields, including
electromagnetic and gravitational fields, acceleration field and pressure
field. It turns out that the generalized four-momentum of a moving system
depends on the total mass of particles, on the Lorentz factor and on the
velocity of the system’s center of momentum. Besides, an additional
contribution is made by the scalar potentials of the acceleration field and the
pressure field at the center of system. The direction of the generalized
four-momentum coincides with the direction of four-velocity of the system under
consideration, while the generalized four-momentum is part of the relativistic
four-momentum of the system.
Keywords: Euler-Lagrange equation; generalized four-momentum; relativistic uniform system; vector field; acceleration field; pressure field.
1. Introduction
The three-dimensional generalized momentum is an important quantity of any
system, in which fields are taken into account, since in this case the
generalized momentum contains vector field potentials and replaces momentum of
classical mechanics. From the standpoint of Lagrangian formalism, the
generalized momentum of one particle is calculated as the partial derivative of
Lagrangian with respect to velocity of this particle, and the generalized
momentum of a system is equal to the sum of the generalized momenta of all
system’s particles [1].
In the flat Minkowski space and in curved spacetime, four-dimensional
quantities are of primary importance, which requires introduction of concept of
the generalized four-momentum. Unfortunately, the literature about this
quantity is extremely limited. For example, in [2], a possible form of
generalized four-momentum of a charged particle in external electromagnetic
field is considered. The situation with calculation of generalized
four-momentum, which should describe continuously distributed materials, is even
worse, probably due to difficulties arising from the volume integration of
physical quantities. Thus, the four-dimensional formalism for continuum
mechanics is used in [3] in order to determine the relativistic stress-energy
tensor and corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation in an ideal fluid. In this
case, conservation laws are obtained approximately, in the form of an expansion
in powers of ratio of particles’ velocity to the speed of light.
where is the Lagrangian;
is the four-velocity;
is the four-radius specifying the
position of a particle;
is the speed of light;
is the interval. The time
is metrical proper time of the particle, which
does not coincide with the physical proper time
. For differential of the time
there is a formula [1]:
, where
is the time component of metric tensor,
, and
is the coordinate time.
The above equation should have a different form for the case of
continuous materials, because instead of the Lagrangian it is necessary
to use the Lagrangian density
, the volume integral of which gives
. Indeed, in order to be able to find the quantities
must depend on
of each
particle in the entire set of particles included in the system. In fact, in a
continuous material with many particles, the Lagrange function
depends rather
on the choice of observation point and on the four-velocity of typical
particles at this point, than on the parameters of any specific particles,
which cannot be determined due to their large number. By definition, typical
particles completely characterize a physical system and are ideal statistically
averaged particles. Therefore, in the case of continuous materials, all
physical quantities presented in equations are calculated for typical particles,
and this should also apply to the density of the generalized four-momentum.
However, we haven’t found anywhere such a formula, in which the density
of generalized four-momentum would be determined directly through some
four-dimensional derivative of for the
system’s typical particles. Therefore, one of our tasks will be to find the
corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation for the Lagrangian density
and covariant expression
for the density of generalized four-momentum, which is also valid in the curved
Another of our tasks will be derivation of the generalized four-momentum
in an explicit form, which would allow us to take into account all the fields
of a system. In this case, we will consider four most frequently observed
fields, such as electromagnetic and gravitational fields, acceleration field
[5], and vector pressure field [6]. All these fields are represented as vector
fields and components of a single general field [7], while gravitational field
is described within the framework of covariant theory of gravitation (CTG)
The approach used allows us to avoid difficulties that arise in the
general theory of relativity (GTR) when describing motion [10]. In GTR, metric
and gravitational field are merged together, so in any case it is necessary
first to solve an equation for the metric in order to estimate the
gravitation’s contribution to the physical quantities that characterize the
motion. In CTG, gravitational field exists independently of the metric,
therefore in flat Minkowski space, the gravitation’s contribution to material’s
momentum and to the acting force is taken into account exactly without solving
an equation for the metric.
Our main attention will be paid to the study of possible form of
generalized four-momentum arising from the Lagrangian formalism. Next, we will
derive formulas for the generalized four-momentum, as well as for the
relativistic momentum of the system’s typical particles, and will show their
relationship in the case of vector fields.
These formulas will be used to calculate the generalized four-momentum
of a stationary and moving relativistic uniform system in the continuous
materials limit. The choice of such physical system is not accidental, since
four-potentials of fields necessary for calculating the generalized
four-momentum have already been found for it by solving wave equations. In
particular, expressions for scalar field potentials (32) and corresponding
references are presented below in Section 6. The study of properties of the
relativistic uniform system is important because such a physical system is
successfully used to introduce the results of the field theory into continuum
mechanics [11-12].
2. Lagrangian structure and its variation
By definition, the action function is integral of Lagrangian
over the coordinate time
. In turn, the Lagrangian for continuously distributed materials in
curved space-time is integral of the Lagrangian density
over moving volume:
, (1)
where is product of differentials of
the space coordinates, the quantity
represents determinant of metric
denotes volume of the system.
The Lagrangian density is the sum of scalar terms, each
of which has dimension of volumetric energy density and defines contribution to
the Lagrangian density with the help of a certain energy function, associated
with the corresponding field or with the four-current.
In view of (1), the action function
can be represented as follows:
Let us suppose that the Lagrangian density depends on coordinate time , on the four-radius
and on the four-velocity
of each of
system’s particles with the current number
, on the four-potentials and field
tensors at each point of the field, as well as on the metric tensor:
In (3), the quantities are four-potentials of electromagnetic and
gravitational fields, acceleration field and pressure field, respectively, and
the quantities
are tensors of these fields. The expression
means that the Lagrangian density also depends
on the scalar curvature
, which is a function of metric
tensor and its partial derivatives. In the general case, we can assume that the
invariant mass density
and the invariant charge density
of some particle with the current number
are functions of time
and of the four-radius
of this particle. This leads to the fact that
the mass four-current
, as well as the charge four-current
of a given particle, become functions of time
, four-radius and four-velocity. In
the final notation, the scalar terms in Lagrangian density (3) appear, as a
rule, in the form of tensor invariants of the form
, and also
, where
is the Ricci tensor, which is a function of the
metric tensor and its derivatives.
Note that in (3) dependence of the Lagrangian density on the covariant
derivatives of metric tensor is not included, since .
The variation of action function (2) is written as follows:
. (4)
The determinant of the metric tensor is a
function of the metric tensor components. As a result, according to [13], the
following relation holds true:
Let us write the variation of the Lagrangian
density (3) taking into account the standard equality to zero of variation of
coordinate time :
In (6) we wrote the variation not in terms of covariant derivatives,
but in terms of partial derivatives, using the fact that the Lagrangian density
is a scalar invariant, and not a
four-tensor or a four-vector.
The terms in each parenthesis of (6)
consists of variation of associated quantities. For example, the variation of the four-radius of a particle
with the number
is related to the variation
of the four-velocity of this
particle, and the variation
of the four-potential of
electromagnetic field at an arbitrary point of the system is related to the
of the electromagnetic field
tensor. Let us substitute (5) and (6) into (4):
Since the variables of Lagrangian
(3) are independent, each integral part of (7) must vanish. In particular, the
last integral vanishes under the following condition:
. (8)
The quantity is a derivative of the
Lagrangian density with respect to the metric tensor,
and Equation (8) is equation for
determining the metric tensor both inside and outside the material.
In the general case, Lagrangian density (3)
could also depend on the first- and even second-order partial derivatives of
metric tensor with respect to coordinates and time, and these derivatives must
be present in (6), (7) and (8). As a rule, all these derivatives are found only
in one term of the Lagrangian density for the curved spacetime, namely in the
term , where
is the speed of light,
is a constant,
is the scalar curvature,
is the Ricci tensor. However, the scalar
curvature has such a property that the variation of the action function,
associated with the curvature, is equal to [8], [14]:
From this relation we can see that
the Ricci tensor , during variation of the action function with respect to the metric
tensor and its first- and second-order derivatives, behaves as if it is equal
to a constant, and the variation
depends only on the variation
with respect to the metric
tensor. This justifies the form of (6), (7) and (8), and then it turns out that
, while
is one of the terms, which are
part of the Lagrangian density
in (8).
For the electromagnetic field, the
next condition follows from (7):
The variation should be expressed in terms of
the variation
, and after some transformations
should be taken outside the
parentheses. What remains inside the parentheses must be equated to zero. This
leads to the standard equation of electromagnetic field in the curved
spacetime, which allows us to calculate the field tensor components both inside
and outside the materials. Similarly, from (7) we obtain field equations for
the remaining three fields.
Since in the Lagrangian density (3)
the metric tensor should not directly depend on the
of particles, it should be
assumed that
depends on
indirectly, through other
physical variables, for example, through
of observation point. The
difference between
here is that the metric tensor
can be calculated at such points
where there are no particles and
is not applicable.
According to an assumption in [13],
in this case the four-potentials, as well as the products and
, where
denote charge and mass
four-currents, respectively, do not depend directly on the metric tensor. Then,
in the Equation (8) for the metric, the terms containing the products of
four-potentials by four-currents and usually included in the expression for
, disappear.
If in the Lagrangian density (3) the
metric tensor directly depends on the four-radii of particles, then the variation
in (7) must be expressed through
the variations
of the particles. Then one should
transform the last integral in (7), single out
separately and connect this
integral to the first integral in (7) to find the equation of motion.
Another equivalent approach assumes
[5] that Lagrangian density (3) instead of four-radii and four-velocities
of individual particles directly
depends on four-currents
in the following form:
where specifies the observation point,
is the four-velocity of a typical
particle at that point.
This leads to the fact that instead
of equation of motion with a generalized momentum, the equation of motion of
particles with field tensors and four-currents appears, while the Equation (8)
for the metric and the equations for determining the field tensors remain
valid. From this it follows that the Equation (8) for metric should be
fulfilled regardless of how the metric tensor depends on physical variables,
including dependencies on and
of individual particles, or
dependence on
of observation point.
3. Four-dimensional
Euler-Lagrange equation
We can assume that all the arguments
in the previous section refer to typical particles, the set of which
continuously fills a certain volume and represents the material of a physical
system. In this case, the difference between observation point given by the
four-vector and the four-radius
of a typical particle at this
point disappears, and the four-velocity
of a typical particle at
observation point is equal to
. According to expression (9) of the Lagrangian density, only the charge
and mass four-currents
, which are present in each Lagrangian density for continuous materials,
can be direct functions of the observation point
and the four-velocity
of a typical particle of material
at this point. As for the four-potentials and the field tensors, as well as the
metric tensor, they become functions of
only after the corresponding
field equations are solved. Let us denote the sum of Lagrangian density terms,
containing the four-currents, by
. The first integral in (7) must be equal to zero irrespectively of the
other integrals, and we should substitute
into it as a part of Lagrangian
density, containing dependence on
of typical particles:
where the element of covariant
four-volume with the current number
is present,
is the speed of light,
is the proper time of typical
particle with the number
is the particle’s proper
In (10) the sum must be integrated
over the entire volume of the system, while each term of
the sum is associated with only one particle. This means that in (10) we can go
from the integral over the entire volume
to the sum of the integrals over
the volumes of individual typical particles, while leaving the integrand
unchanged. We reflected this with the help of last two terms in (10).
The proper time of any particle in (10) is not
equal to the proper time of any other particle in the system. Based on this, it
is believed that it is possible to derive the Euler-Lagrange equation in a
covariant form only for one particle, but for a system of particles it is
impossible. Probably, this explains the absence in literature of a covariantly
defined four-vector of the generalized momentum density for a continuous
material. Thus, we come to conclusion that it is necessary to change the
procedure of variation and adapt it to the case under consideration. Let's do
it as follows.
The variations can be considered as small
acceptable deviations from the true trajectory of a particle under
consideration, moving in space and time between two given points. We will take
into account definition of the four-velocity
, and will define its variation as follows:
Despite the fact that the proper
time in each particle flows at
different speeds, further we will assume synchronization of variation with
respect to proper time for all particles. To do this, it suffices to
synchronize the origin of the particles’ proper time and perform variation at
this moment. The entire time interval
, within which the time integration is performed in (10), corresponds to
a certain time interval
for the particle with the current
, and the interval
will be different for different
particles. The interval
during integration in (10) is
divided into a set of time differentials
, similarly, for each particle the corresponding interval
is divided into a set of time
. Since the four-velocity
of each particle is constantly
changing, within each differential
at the time point
the particle would have a
different four-velocity
and a different time component of
the four-velocity
. Thus, in order to sufficiently accurately cover all the trajectories
of the system’s particles during the action variation with respect to the
proper time, it is necessary to synchronize the origin of the proper time
of all the particles many times,
within each of the corresponding time differentials
On the other hand, in view of the
relation we can write the following:
If we assume here, then variation of the
four-velocity will reduce to the value
provided above. Thus, we will
assume that within each time differential with the duration
neither the time
, nor the time component
of four-velocity is varied,
behaving as a constant value within this differential. In this case, the
within different differentials
, that is, at different time points, may differ in value, changing its
value in a stepwise fashion during transition to a new time differential.
With this in mind, we will transform
the last expression in (10) by parts for each particle:
Let us now transform the last term
in (11):
In this equation inside the volume
integral of particle with the number , the variations
at the initial time points
, and the variations
at the final time points
are equal to zero by the
condition of variation. As a result, the last term in (11) vanishes and the
following remains:
In the general case, the variations are different for different particles, do not
depend on each other, are arbitrary and non-zero. In order for the above
relation to hold, the expression in the square brackets under the summation
sign must be equal to zero. Hence, we obtain the four-dimensional
Euler-Lagrange equation for each of the particles:
On the other hand, within volume of
one particle and during the time differential , the time component
of four-velocity of the particle
remains constant, according to the condition of variation that we have
accepted, and it can be introduced under the derivative sign
. Let us multiply and at the same time divide by
the expression inside the
integral for
Since in this expression the
quantities and
in the general case are arbitrary
and non-zero, the following relation must hold true in the first approximation:
Let us denote volumetric density of
the generalized four-momentum by . Taking this into account, removing
the particle’s number
, we arrive at a relation, which corresponds by its form to the
differential equation of motion of a typical particle:
The Euler-Lagrange Equation (12) was
obtained under the condition that the time component is constant, which corresponds to
motion of particles at a constant speed, the value of which depends on selected
time differential
within the time interval
. In the limit of continuously distributed materials, particles cannot
move in such way due to continuous interactions with each other, therefore
instead of (12) we will use (13) as the most appropriate expression in this
A feature
of Equations (12) and (13) is that they are expressed in terms of derivatives
of the Lagrangian density , and not in terms of derivatives of the Lagrangian
. It should be noted that Equations (12) and (13) are valid to the same
extent, since they used the same condition for the constancy of time component
of typical particles upon variation
of Lagrangian density. The less the differences
are in (10), the better the
is satisfied during variation,
and the more precisely we can state that Equations (12) and (13) are valid,
including in curved spacetime.
The structure of Equations (12) and
(13) is such that they represent one of the possible forms of four-dimensional
equations of motion of typical particles. In this case, on the left side of
(13) there is a full rate of change with time of the density of generalized
four-momentum, respectively, on the right side there is the volume density of
generalized four-force .
The equation of motion can be
written in at least three more equivalent forms, for example, in terms of field
tensors, in terms of field four-potentials, and in terms of energy-momentum
tensors of fields [5]. Thus, in [11] a covariant equation of motion, valid in a
curved space-time, was derived from the principle of least action, taking into
account dissipation vector field, pressure field, acceleration field,
gravitational and electromagnetic fields. This equation, expressed in terms of
field tensors and four-currents, accurately reproduces the Navier-Stokes
equation in the limit of weak field.
4. Generalized
Let us suppose now that all the system’s
particles are simultaneously shifted by a certain constant four-vector , which is a variation of the four-radius
. Since
then if ,
, here
will be. In this case, the
leads in (10) to the variation of
action function of the following form:
In order to transform the sum in
(14), we used (12) and the expression .
It is also assumed that when
integrating over proper time and over volume of one particle, the value is constant and, on the
average, does not depend on the time, just as in an equilibrium system, so that
can be introduced under the time
derivative sign. In the limit of continuous materials we can go over from the
sum of integrals over the volume of individual particles to one integral over
the entire system’s volume, for which in the right-hand side of (14) we can
replace the product of differentials
, similarly to (10), and remove the particles’ number
Let us now introduce for consideration the generalized four-momentum of
the system’s particles:
In (16), we used definition of the density of generalized four-momentum from (13) and the relation from
, (17)
where is the differential of the proper volume of
any of particles, calculated in the particle’s comoving reference frame.
We should note that by its
construction method is a four-vector, as well as
Besides, it is assumed that at the
time of calculation of both four-vectors, the time components of
four-velocities of all the particles either do not change or are averaged over
The fact that the density of generalized four-momentum is a four-vector
is obvious from the covariant definition .
In the limit of continuously distributed materials, we can assume that
typical particles almost completely fill entire volume of the system. Then the
generalized four-momentum in (16) is obtained equal to the integral sum of the products
of individual
particles by the invariant volumes of these particles. Since the product of a
scalar by a four-vector gives a four-vector, and the sum of four-vectors is a
four-vector, the generalized four-momentum
in (16) is a four-vector.
A relation for the generalized
four-momentum follows from (15) and (16):
According to (18), if shifting of
all the system’s particles by the constant four-vector does not change physical properties
of the system, then hence it follows that the generalized four-momentum
is conserved. A closed system
does not depend on environment and on fields from external sources, and for it
the condition of the system’s constancy during the particles’ transfer is
satisfied. Therefore, for a closed system the relation
will be valid.
It should be noted that this
transfer by the constant four-vector should be considered as part of
process of variation of variables, and not as a real process of the particles’
motion, in which the periods of acceleration and emission of charged particles
are inevitable, which leads to a change in balance of energy and momentum,
changes physical properties of the system, and violates conditions of
In (14), we assumed that is a constant value when
integrated over volume of each typical particle and, on the average, does not
depend on time. But this is precisely what is characteristic of an equilibrium
system described with the help of typical particles and the procedure of
averaging physical quantities, and this fully justifies our approach.
In this case, we can go further and
introduce under the partial derivative sign
in (14), taking into account
and then replacing the product of
, similarly to (10), and going over to the approximation of continuous
Let us define a new four-dimensional quantity:
The relation follows from (19) and (20), that is,
for an equilibrium closed system.
In the general case, is not a four-vector, but becomes it on
condition that
for each particle does not change at the
moment of calculating
. Indeed, in this case the relation
will be satisfied, and then
becomes equal to the generalized four-momentum
in (16).
The significance of in (20) lies in the fact that its
space component up to a sign equals the relativistic momentum of system’s
particles. In order to see this, we will take into account the following
. If we set
, then for
from (20) it follows:
In [1], the three-dimensional
generalized momentum of a system, which takes into account all the acting
fields and actually represents the total relativistic momentum of the system’s
particles, is determined as follows:
We must again take into account our reasoning
in Section 3 about dependence of the Lagrangian density on time, coordinates,
and the particles’ velocities. Only the part of the Lagrangian density, which
we have denoted by and which contains the
four-currents, can directly depend on the particles’ velocities. With this in
mind, and in view of relations (1) and (17), we find:
The obtained expression coincides
with in (21), so that
. If we denote the generalized four-momentum in the form
and take into account the
provided that for each particle
does not change at the moment the
momentum is calculated, then
will be both the total
relativistic momentum of the particles of the system in (22) and the total
generalized momentum of the particles included in
As for the
obtaining procedure and physical meaning of the four-vectors and
, a few remarks should be made. First
of all, the displacement of all the system’s particles, without exception, to a
certain constant four-vector
in one direction, which leaves the physical
system unchanged and is presented in (14), is closely related to Noether’s
theorem. Only with such a displacement, it is guaranteed that the system would
preserve its form, relative position of the particles and their velocities, as
well as the fields’ magnitudes, which would lead to the momentum conservation.
In symmetric systems other displacements are possible, for example, inversion
of the coordinates of all the particles (parity transformation) or substitution
of the opposite particles with each other. According to Noether’s theorem, each
continuous symmetry corresponds to its own transformation of the particles’
coordinates and its own conservation law of one or another physical quantity.
Secondly, in the approximation of
continuous materials, in the equations, instead of the Lagrangian , it is convenient to use its volumetric density
, which allows us to refuse from integration in (1). Thirdly, due to the
large number of interacting particles, the four-potentials and tensors of
fields acting in the material no longer depend on coordinates and velocities of
individual particles, they are determined only by the properties of the system
as a whole, and in the center-of-momentum frame they depend mainly on
coordinates of the observation point.
As for the charge (electromagnetic)
and mass four-currents that are also part of the Lagrangian density, it is
believed that these four-currents are associated with the motion of the
so-called typical particles of the system. The characteristic of typical
particles is that they define the basic features of the physical system and
allow it to be described in the most complete way. The independence of field
functions from the coordinates of individual particles and the emergence of
typical particles take place during averaging of motions of individual
particles and gauging of the properties of these particles. As a result of such
averaging, we can assume that at a certain point in the stationary
equilibrium system, typical particles move at a certain averaged four-velocity , depending on the coordinates of observation point. The time component
of four-velocity of typical
particles can also be considered averaged, moreover, in the stationary system
as a whole,
will be constant, although it
will differ in value in different parts of the system. It is this constancy of
typical particles that can be implied in the derivation of Equations (12) and
(13), and (12) and (13) can be considered as equations for averaged physical
quantities. Another way to imagine the constancy of
, necessary to derive the generalized four-momentum density
in (13), is to assume that
is calculated as an instantaneous
value per short time, during which the velocities of typical particles do not
have enough time to change significantly. Thus, we can consider our approach to
be valid at least for systems that are in equilibrium and consist of a
continuously distributed material. In Section 8, we will also show that the
generalized four-momentum concept presented by us is consistent with both
Hamiltonian mechanics and Lagrangian mechanics.
The peculiar feature of the
generalized four-momentum in (16) is unusual method of its
determination in terms of volume integral. Indeed, the standard four-vectors
are defined locally or in a point volume, which allows us to make transitions
from the form with a covariant index to the form with a contravariant index
using the metric tensor at a given point, for example,
. However,
defines the generalized
four-momentum for all the particles and is calculated as the integral over a
sufficiently large volume. Such four-vectors are not local and should be called
integral four-vectors. For such four-vectors, the equality of the type
in the general case will not hold
true, since the metric tensor
can have different values at each
point of the system. In order to obtain the contravariant form of
, we should turn to definition of the integral four-vector in (16):
5. Lagrangian
density for vector fields
In order to calculate the generalized
four-momentum, we will use the Lagrangian density for four vector fields in a
curved space-time, according to [5], [11]:
where is the four-potential of
electromagnetic field, defined by the scalar potential
and the vector potential
of this field,
is the charge four-current,
is the charge density in the particle’s
comoving reference frame,
is the four-velocity of a point particle,
is the four-potential of
gravitational field, described by the scalar potential
and the vector potential
of this field within the
framework of the covariant theory of gravitation,
is the mass four-current,
is the mass density in the particle’s comoving
reference frame,
is the four-potential of acceleration field,
denote the scalar and vector potentials,
is the
four-potential of pressure field, consisting of the scalar potential
and the
vector potential
; if inside the particle the vector potential of
pressure field is equal to zero, then
, where
is the
pressure in the particle’s comoving reference frame,
is the
magnetic constant,
is the
electromagnetic tensor,
is the gravitational constant,
is the
gravitational tensor,
is the
acceleration field coefficient,
is the acceleration tensor, calculated as the four-curl
of the four-potential of acceleration field,
is the pressure field coefficient,
is the pressure field tensor,
, where
is some coefficient of the order of unity to
be determined,
is the scalar curvature,
is the cosmological constant.
The charge density and mass density
included in the corresponding four-currents
are not constants and they defined as covariant scalar functions of four-radii
and four-momenta of typical particles of a system. This means that when the
Lagrangian density (23) is varied in principle of least action,
must also be varied, such as, for example, the
scalar curvature
According to [5], in order to gauge
the relativistic energy of a system, the cosmological constant is defined in
such a way that the condition arises. In this case, the
energy will not depend on
becomes uniquely defined. The same applies to the generalized four-momentum.
Therefore, when calculating it, we will assume that in (23)
. Then from (23) the expression follows for
as that part of the Lagrangian density,
which contains four-currents as functions of the four-radius
and four-velocity
of an arbitrary typical particle:
In the simplest case, when the
global four-potentials and field tensors do not depend on four-velocities of
individual system’s particles, the density of generalized four-momentum for (24) will be equal to:
From (16) the expression follows for
the generalized four-momentum in this case:
. (26)
Since , for the generalized momentum we find:
. (27)
For (21), in view of (24), we obtain
the following:
From comparison of (27) and (28) it
follows that the three-dimensional quantity and the generalized momentum
. The same equality was found at the end of the previous section using
Lagrangian in (22). Thus, the Lagrangian density (23) and its part (24) allow
us to calculate the generalized momentum of particles
, which coincides with the relativistic momentum of the particles.
From (26), at , we find the time component of the generalized four-momentum:
. (29)
It can be seen from the above that the four-vectors and
characterize the volumetric density and the total
generalized four-momentum of all the particles, respectively, that is, they are
calculated over the entire system’s material. The contribution to these
four-vectors is made by all the fields acting in the system. However, the
fields are present not only in the material, but some of them also act outside
of the material. Typical examples are electromagnetic and gravitational fields.
If the system moves as a whole, then the fields outside the system acquire an
additional four-momentum, which must be added to the generalized four-momentum
, if we want to find the total
four-momentum of the system of particles and fields. Thus, the generalized
is only part of the total four-momentum of the
system, while the time component
defines the energy of particles and fields in
the system’s material, and the space component
with the index
defines the relativistic (generalized)
momentum of these particles and fields.
According to (18), in the equilibrium and closed system is conserved, and the same can be said about
the four-momentum of electromagnetic and gravitational fields of the system
outside the material, as well as about the total four-momentum of the system.
The reason for conservation of the total four-momentum of a closed system is
impossibility of the four-momentum’s changing due to the lack of interaction
with the environment, while it is assumed that the internal interactions are
not able to change the system’s four-momentum. The condition of equilibrium
system implies that the proportions of energy and momentum for the particles
and fields remain unchanged all the time, which ensures conservation of the
generalized four-momentum
, as well as of the four-momentum of
fields outside the material.
6. Relativistic
uniform system at rest
We will consider within the
framework of special theory of relativity (STR) a relativistic uniform system,
which is closely filled with a multitude of particles and is held in
equilibrium by four vector fields. For macroscopic bodies, the main acting force
is the gravitational force, which gives the bodies a spherical shape.
Let us suppose that all the system’s
particles move randomly and independently of each other, and there are no
directed fluxes of material and general rotation in the system. We will also
assume that in the particles’ comoving reference frames both the proper vector
field potentials and the particles’ solenoidal vectors vanish. Then, in the
rest system, the potentials and field tensors will not depend on the
four-velocities of individual particles and formulas (26-29) will be
For electromagnetic field, for
example, this means that charged particles do not have their intrinsic magnetic
moment in their comoving reference frames. As for acceleration field, the
particles must have proper rotation close to zero. Under such assumptions, it
is easy to show that as a result of solving wave equations for individual
particles and for a great number of randomly moving particles in the system
under consideration, the global vector potentials ,
, as well as the solenoidal field vectors in the system tend to zero.
This leads to the fact that
in (27) and
in (28) become equal to zero, and
it suffices for us to determine only the time component
in (29). Within the framework of
STR, in (29)
, the sphere’s volume element
and taking into account the time
component of
in (25) we can write:
. (30)
The scalar potentials of fields
inside a sphere in the case and
were determined in [15-17]:
In (32) is the electric constant,
is the Lorentz factor of particles at the
center of sphere,
is the sphere’s radius,
is the scalar potential of pressure field at
the center of the sphere. For the charge four-current we have:
, while the four-velocity of the
, where
is the Lorentz factor for the particles,
is the root-mean-square velocity of the particles.
The appearance of sines and cosines
in (32) is associated with taking into account the Lorentz factor of the proper
chaotic motion of particles. If we neglect the internal motion of the
particles, then the field potentials will become equal to the potentials inside
an ideal solid sphere. Such potentials are indicated as approximate expressions
on the right-hand sides in (32).
In [12], when analyzing equation of
motion, it was shown that in the system under consideration the following
relation between the field coefficients held true:
Let us substitute potentials (32)
into (30) and take into account (33):
. (34)
We can write the density of
generalized four-momentum in terms of components as follows: , where
is the density of three-dimensional
generalized momentum and space component of the four-vector. In the case under
consideration, it turns out that
, and according to (34)
in the entire volume of a sphere.
turns out to be a constant
We will substitute from (34) into (31) and will
integrate over the sphere’s volume. Since
, where
is specified in
(32), we obtain the
If in (35) the inequality holds true, then the sines
and cosines can be expanded up to the second-order terms. This gives the
where is a quantity with the dimension
of mass, which is equal to the product of mass density
by the sphere’s volume.
On the other hand, it was shown in
[15] that the total mass of particles inside a sphere is defined by the
quantity , which differs from
. The difference in masses arises from the particles’ motion, since the
effective density of a moving particle equals
. The total mass of particles inside the sphere is defined by the
integral over the sphere’s volume:
Furthermore, it turns out that the
mass is equal to the gravitational
, which specifies the scalar potential and the gravitational field
strength outside the sphere. For the charge
of the system, similarly to (36),
we find:
Let us substitute (36) into (35):
. (37)
Hence, we can see that the time
component of the system’s generalized
four-momentum exceeds the value
by approximately
. We will write the four-vector
in terms of time and space
, where
is a three-dimensional
generalized momentum. The four-vector
can be considered a constant
four-vector, since according to (37)
as long as the Lorentz factor
and the scalar potential
at the center of sphere are
constant, which is true for an equilibrium system. In addition, according to
(16) and (26)
as a consequence of the fact that
in the definition
Since the four-vector and
for the sphere at rest turn out
to be constant, then relation (18) holds true, and (13) implies the following:
Let us verify relation (38) for the
case of the sphere at rest within the framework of STR. For this, it is
necessary to express the relation in terms of components of the
. We will consider the sum of products of the fields’ four-potentials by
the four-currents in (24), and will express this sum in terms of its
components. Thus, for the electromagnetic field and other fields inside the
sphere we will obtain the following:
. (39)
Since the fields’ vector potentials ,
in this case are equal to zero,
we can write:
Let us substitute here (30) and take
into account that :
According to (34) , so in view of (40), relation (38) holds true:
7. Moving
relativistic uniform system
Let us consider a sphere with the particles
moving at a constant velocity along the axis
, and at initial time point the center of the sphere was located at the
origin of fixed reference frame
. In the reference frame
, associated with the center of the sphere, the scalar potentials of the
fields are expressed by formulas (32), and the vector potentials of the fields
on the average are equal to zero.
We can determine the field
potentials from the standpoint of the reference frame , taking into account the fact that field potentials are part of the
corresponding four-potentials, which are transformed from
as four-vectors. Within the
framework of SRT, the four-potentials are transformed in the same way as the
time and coordinates in the Lorentz transformations. For example, if the
four-potential of electromagnetic field in
, then in
for the components of the
four-potential we can write the following:
Here is the Lorentz factor of motion
of the sphere’s center in
In (41) it is taken into account
that in , where the sphere is motionless, all the three components of the vector
are equal to zero. For the
four-potentials of other fields we can write in a similar way:
. (42)
In the velocity of an arbitrary
particle inside the sphere equals
, and the Lorentz factor is
. Let us denote the total velocity of the particle in
and the Lorentz factor of the
particle by
. Transforming the particle’s four-velocity from
using the Lorentz
transformations gives the following:
Let us substitute (41) and (42) into
(25) and find in the time and space components of
the density of generalized four-momentum
, where
In (44), the fields’ scalar
potentials ,
in the reference frame
are the scalar potentials, which
are presented in (32). With this in mind, we can use expressions (30), (33) and
(34) for
, and for the reference frame
we find:
According to (45), in the time component of the density
of generalized four-momentum increases by a factor of
as compared to
. In addition, the component
of the density of
three-dimensional generalized momentum along the axis
appears, which is proportional to
the velocity of the sphere’s motion in
In order to simplify the
calculations, we will assume that the sphere’s velocity significantly exceeds the particles’ velocities
, so the latter can be neglected. If in (43)
, then the time component
. Taking from (45) the components
, with the help of (16), (26-27) at
we can determine the components
of the generalized four-momentum
, where
If in (46) we calculate the time
component of generalized four-momentum,
then the component
of three-dimensional generalized
momentum would be thereby determined.
According to STR approach, a moving
sphere with the particles is represented in as a Heaviside ellipsoid,
regardless of the internal motion of particles in
. In [18], the energy and momentum of electromagnetic field of a moving
charged sphere were studied and the 4/3 problem was discovered. The same was
discovered in [19] for the gravitational field. Next, we will proceed similarly
to [18-19], and will introduce in
new coordinates
associated with the Cartesian
. (47)
In these coordinates, the volume
element in (46) is determined by the formula . According to (32), in the reference frame
the Lorentz factor
of particles moving inside the
sphere is expressed in terms of a current radius, which we will denote here by
If we take into account the Lorentz
transformations, then the coordinates in
inside of the Heaviside ellipsoid
present in (47) coincide with the spherical coordinates
inside of the sphere, so
All this allows us to calculate the
integral for in (46):
Let us substitute here from (45) and
from (36):
. (48)
In comparison with (37), the
component has increased by a factor of
due to the motion of the physical
system as a whole at velocity
For the component of the generalized momentum from
(46) we find:
, (49)
where the component is calculated in (48).
As long as the sphere with the
particles moves at a constant velocity along the axis
, we can assume that in (48) is the component
. The same will also be true for
in (49), while
. Hence it follows that the generalized four-momentum
, where
, is a constant four-vector, and therefore the conservation condition
(18) holds true.
According to definition of the
four-potential of pressure field in [6], for scalar potential at the center of
a sphere we can write: , where
is the proper pressure inside a
typical particle moving at the center of the sphere. With this in mind, the
expression for momentum of the system’s particles follows from (48) and (49):
As we can see, taking into account
the proper pressure and the proper density
of particles increases the value
of the total momentum of the system’s particles, regardless of the contribution
of the Lorentz factors
to the momentum.
According to (48) and (49), the
generalized four-momentum can be written as follows:
, (50)
where is four-velocity
of the center of a sphere. Thus, the generalized 4-momentum is directed
along the four-velocity of the system under consideration.
From (48-50) it follows
so that in the first approximation
the total momentum of particles is proportional to the Lorentz factor , the velocity
of the center of momentum’s
motion and the total mass
of the system’s particles defined
in (36). Besides, the greater are the scalar potential
of acceleration field and the
scalar potential
of pressure field at the center
of a sphere, the greater is the momentum. Since
is the Lorentz factor of
particles at the center of the sphere, we can see that due to the motion of
particles inside the sphere, the effective mass, which is included in the
momentum of particles of the system, increases. This means that instead of the
, which is typical for a resting relativistic uniform system, the value
becomes the effective total mass
of particles in the moving system.
It remains for us to verify Equation
(13). From (45) it follows that ,
. This means that the density of generalized four-momentum
, where
, is a constant four-vector, and then the left-hand side of Equation
(13) becomes equal to zero,
. We will consider the right-hand side of (13), which contains the value
. Using the expression for
in (24), we find:
According to (43), the Lorentz
factor and the components of total
of an arbitrary particle during
motion of a sphere with the particles in
. (52)
If in (52) we neglect the components
of the particle’s proper velocity
inside the sphere measured in
, then it will be
. Then for the electromagnetic field
, and similar expressions will hold for the
other fields, in view of (41) and (42). We will substitute this into (51) and
will take into account the expressions for scalar potentials of the form
from (41) and (42), as well as
from (44):
Since according to (45) , we obtain the value
. Consequently, the right-hand side of (13) will be equal to zero, that
, and Equation (13) is satisfied.
8. Discussion
When we calculated the generalized
four-momentum of a moving uniform relativistic system in the reference frame , instead of the time component of four-velocity of an arbitrary
in (43) we used an approximate
. This led to the fact that the time component
in (48) increased by a factor of
due to the motion of the physical
system as a whole at the velocity
as compared to the static case. Will
anything change if we take into account the velocity component
in the expression for
? In an equilibrium system of particles, which is stationary in general,
the total momentum of these particles as a rule is equal to zero. When the
particles move randomly, their momenta are subtracted from each other due to
the different directions of the particles’ velocities, the same is true for
freely rotating systems. In addition, in the center-of-momentum frame the total
momentum is always equal to zero. The velocity component
is included in
as an additive raised to the first
odd power, and then is integrated over the volume when we calculate
in (46). This additive behaves as
a certain antisymmetric function changing its sign, the volume integral of
which becomes equal to zero. Therefore, the estimates of
obtained in (48) and (49) remain
The relativistic energy for a system of particles and vector
fields was found in [5] in a curved space-time. If the system is stationary and
there is no energy dissipation due to non-potential forces, then the
of the system becomes equal to
the energy:
We substitute from (23) into (1), using the
energy calibration condition in the form
according to [5], [20], add the result for
(53) and take into account (25):
Here the index defines spatial components of
. We now take into account that
, and four-velocity
Using (17), we can replace volumes of
moving particles with their proper volumes and replace the integral over volume
with the sum of integrals over volumes of individual particles:
Since , in view of (16) we find:
This expression
is a standard Legendre transformation connecting the Lagrangian, Hamiltonian,
velocities and generalized three-dimensional momenta of all particles of the
system. Thus, the concept of the generalized four-momentum presented by us is
consistent both with Hamiltonian mechanics and Lagrange mechanics [21].
From (53), on condition of energy
gauging in the form , and from (29) it follows:
. (54)
This means that the time component of the generalized four-momentum
of a system defines a part of the energy-momentum that is associated with the
particles affected by the system’s fields. As for contribution of the fields
themselves to the system’s energy, it is defined by the integral in (54),
according to [15], [16], [22]. We can assume that separation of energy in (54)
into particle energy and field energy arises from the very structure of the
Lagrangian density (23). In this Lagrangian density, there is part (24)
containing four-potentials of fields and four-currents of particles, and there
is also a part containing tensor invariants appearing in the integral in (54).
Let us also consider the approach to
the problem in question within the framework of the general theory of
relativity (GTR). According to [13], [21], the Lagrangian density of GTR for
the relativistic fluid can be represented as follows:
. (55)
The function in (55) is the potential energy
of elastic compression of the fluid per unit mass, and
represents the pressure.
The first three terms in (55)
directly depend on the four-velocity , and we can assume that they form that part of the Lagrangian
, with the help of which the generalized momentum density
is calculated in (13). Hence we find:
Expression (56) for the generalized
momentum density in GTR shows a significant difference in comparison with
expression (25) obtained for the vector fields. In (56) the first term corresponds to the term
in (25). However, the four-potential
of the acceleration field is
equal to the four-velocity
only for a point particle, and in
the general case for a fluid, as for a system of closely interacting particles,
the inequality
holds true [23]. The second term
in (56), associated with the
pressure energy, corresponds to the term
in (25). But the term
is always directed along the
, as for a free point particle, while actually the fluid particles
interact with each other in such a way that the four-potential
of the pressure field would
always differ from the value
. Finally, if the term
for the electromagnetic field is
identically represented in (25) and (56), then for the gravitational field the
difference again is observed. In (25), the contribution to the generalized
momentum density is made by
, where
is the gravitational
four-potential. But in (56) in the expression for
there isn’t any term defining the
gravitational field. This is an obvious consequence of the axiomatic of GTR, in
which the spacetime metric plays the role of the gravitational field.
Nevertheless, such equations as (12) and (13), into which the physical
quantities averaged over typical particles should be substituted, must remain
valid in GTR. This is possible, since the generalized four-force
in (13) depends on the metric and
therefore on the gravitational field in GTR.
On the other hand, according to
(16), the generalized four-momentum of system of particles is the
volume integral of
. Then it turns out that
in GTR does not contain a
contribution from the gravitational field, and therefore the space component
cannot define the relativistic
momentum of the particles of the system, in contrast to what we found for the
vector fields in Section 4. The situation in GTR is made more complicated by
the fact that an attempt to determine the four-momentum and the relativistic
momentum of a physical system in another way, with the help of the volume
integral of the time components of stress-energy tensor, even taking into
account the gravitational field pseudotensor, is unsuccessful (see [21] and the
references therein). Instead of the four-momentum, the so-called integral
four-dimensional vector is obtained in this way, which characterizes
distribution of energy and field energy fluxes in the system, is conserved in a
closed system, but is not a standard locally defined four-vector.
9. Conclusion
The analysis of Lagrangian and its
variation in the principle of least action has led us to the four-dimensional
Euler-Lagrange Equation (12) and its variant (13) for the continuously
distributed materials. In (16) we determine the generalized four-momentum , in (20) – an auxiliary four-dimensional quantity
, in (21) the vector
and in (22) – the total
relativistic momentum of particles of a system, found through the Lagrangian. By its definition, the generalized four-momentum
turns out to be an integral four-vector,
belonging to the special class of non-local four-vectors. As is shown at the
end of Section 4, for such four-vectors a different order of transformation
between the form with a covariant index and the form with a contravariant index
is required.
Within the framework of the accepted
assumptions, when for each particle does not change at moment the
momentum is calculated, it turns out that
, moreover,
is equal to the total
relativistic momentum of particles of the system.
Below, as an example, we use in (23)
the Lagrangian density , which describes the relativistic vector fields, and in (24) its part
, containing four-currents. As follows from definition of the
generalized four-momentum, for its calculation it suffices to specify a part of
the Lagrangian density
. We calculate in terms of
the density of generalized
in (25), as well as the terms of
Equation (13). As a result, it turns out that for the vector fields the
generalized four-momentum
and the four-dimensional
coincide with each other, and
Equation (13) is also satisfied in case of the system’s motion at a constant
The results obtained are applied to
uniform relativistic system in the form of a sphere, studied earlier in [24].
First, the components and
, which are part of the generalized four-momentum
, are calculated for the system at rest, and then for the same system
moving at a constant velocity. It follows from (37) and (48) that the component
of the moving system is
times greater than the component
of the resting system, where
is the Lorentz factor of motion
of the center of sphere in the laboratory frame of reference. In this case, the
moving system acquires a relativistic momentum
(49). A feature of the components
is that in the first
approximation they depend on the Lorentz factor
and on the potential
of pressure field at the
center of sphere. This can be seen in (50), where the generalized four-momentum
is expressed in terms of four-velocity of the sphere.
Analysis of the current situation in general theory of relativity (GTR)
shows that due to absence of covariant representation of contribution from the
gravitational field, in relativistic hydrodynamics there is no complete
description of relativistic and generalized four-momenta with the help of GTR.
Available works are confined to the fact that the pressure has static nature,
so neither the four-potential nor the pressure field tensor in the covariant
formulation are used in description of the pressure field. The same is true for
acceleration field, which not only defines the particles’ energy density in the
Lagrangian according to Einstein’s formula, but also describes contribution
from the energy of particles’ own motion inside a system in terms of its four-potential
and acceleration tensor. Instead, a phenomenological thermodynamic approach is
usually used, in which the fluxes and the energies of particles are calculated
in terms of temperature, pressure, entropy, chemical potential, etc. [25-34].
However, the approach based on the field theory and Lagrangian mechanics allows us
to derive more convenient and covariant expressions for the
generalized four-momentum in (16) and the generalized
four-momentum density
in (25), which are valid in the
curved spacetime. The results obtained are made possible by using the concept
of typical particles to describe a continuous material, which makes it possible
to simplify variation procedure and implement it completely in a
four-dimensional form.
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