Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 96, pp. 109-122 (2019).
On the covariant representation of integral
equations of the electromagnetic field
Sergey G. Fedosin
PO box 614088, Sviazeva str. 22-79, Perm, Perm Krai, Russia
Gauss integral
theorems for electric and magnetic fields, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic
induction, magnetic field circulation theorem, theorems on the flux and
circulation of vector potential, which are valid in curved spacetime, are
presented in a covariant form. Covariant formulas for magnetic and electric
fluxes, for electromotive force and circulation of the vector potential are
provided. In particular, the electromotive force is expressed by a line
integral over a closed curve, while in the integral, in addition to the vortex
electric field strength, a determinant of the metric tensor also appears. Similarly, the
magnetic flux is expressed by a surface integral from the product of magnetic
field induction by the determinant of the metric tensor. A new physical
quantity is introduced – the integral scalar potential, the rate of change of
which over time determines the flux of vector potential through a closed
surface. It is shown that the
commonly used four-dimensional Kelvin-Stokes theorem does not allow
one to deduce fully the integral laws of the electromagnetic field and in the covariant notation requires the addition
of determinant of the metric tensor, besides the validity of the
Kelvin-Stokes theorem is limited to the cases when determinant of metric tensor
and the contour area
are independent from time. This disadvantage is not present
in the approach that uses the divergence theorem and equation for the dual
electromagnetic field tensor. The problem of interpreting the law of
electromagnetic induction and magnetic field circulation theorem cannot be
solved on the basis of the Lorentz force in the absence of charges, and
therefore requires a more general approach, when transformation of the field
components from the reference frame at rest into the moving reference frame is
taken into account. A new effect is predicted, according to which the circulation of
magnetic field can appear even in the absence of electric current and with a
constant electric field through the contour, if the area of this contour would change. By
analogy with electromagnetic induction, for the magnetic field circulation to
appear it is important that electric field flux that passes through the area of
the contour would change over time.
Keywords: Gauss integral theorem; electromagnetic induction; circulation theorem; Kelvin-Stokes theorem; divergence theorem; magnetic flux; electric flux; electromotive force;
vector potential; dual electromagnetic tensor.
In classical electrodynamics, the electromagnetic
field equations are written in the form of Maxwell equations:
where and
represent three-dimensional
vectors of the electric field strength and magnetic field induction,
is the charge density of a moving
matter element from the viewpoint of a fixed observer;
denotes the density of the electric
the electric
is the magnetic constant;
is the speed of light, while
The divergence theorem relates the integral of the
divergence of a vector over the arbitrary three-dimensional volume to the flux of the given vector
through the total surface
of the given volume. In
particular, for the electric field we can write the following:
, (5)
where is an outward-directed unit normal
vector to the surface
, and in Cartesian coordinates the expression
defines the components of the
electric field strength vector.
If we integrate (1) over a certain volume, inside which
the charge is placed, and apply (5), we will
obtain an integral equation in the form of the Gauss theorem:
In the general case, the charges are moving, and
therefore in the integral in (6) is a
volume element of a moving matter element. Due to the Lorentz contraction, both
the charge density
change, however, the combination
after integration leads to the
invariant charge value
, and therefore to conservation of the flux
through the surface surrounding
the given volume.
If in (5) we replace by
and take into account (2), we obtain
the Gauss theorem for the magnetic field:
Integral equation (7) indicates the general absence of
magnetic charges in any volume, which, if they existed, could create a non-zero
magnetic induction flux through a closed surface .
When integrating equation (3), the Kelvin-Stokes
theorem is used, which relates the flux of the curl of the vector field through
a certain two-dimensional surface to the circulation of this field
around the one-dimensional contour
bounding the given surface. For
the electric field we obtain the following:
The Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction follows
from (3) and (8):
As a rule, the surface and the contour
in the Kelvin-Stokes theorem are
considered to be stationary, so that, according to (9), the vortex electric
appears in the contour due to
changing over time of the magnetic field
passing through the surface. When
there are charges that can move under the action of this field
, this suggests the existence of the electromotive force
in the selected contour.
If we substitute instead of
into (8) and use the result in order
to integrate (4) over the surface, we will obtain the expression of the
integral theorem on the circulation of the magnetic field around the contour
. (10)
In (10) denotes the total perpendicular
component of the strength of current passing through the surface
defines the rate of change over time
of the electric field crossing the surface. Both
and the flux of
generate the vortex magnetic field
in the contour
bounding the surface
The above standard formulas (1-10) are written for
three-dimensional vectors. We mentioned them here so that we can then compare
them with the formulas for four-dimensional vectors and tensors, which are
valid not only in the flat Minkowski spacetime, but also in the curved
spacetime. As will be shown later, obtaining the four-dimensional
integral equations of the electromagnetic field allows us not only to
generalize the three-dimensional integral equations, but also to obtain a more
accurate description of the phenomena.
In particular,
we will show how the problem of interpreting the law of electromagnetic
induction can be solved [1]. Indeed, according to (9), the electromotive force in the fixed
contour arises due to changing over time of the magnetic field through the area
inside the contour. However, it is
well known and proved by experiments that change in the
contour’s area with a constant magnetic field also creates the electromotive
force in the contour. Thus, in (9), the time derivative should be not inside,
but before the integral over the area of the contour. Since this is not taken into account
in (9), a different explanation is usually used, involving the Lorentz force
[2]. At the same time, the advantage of the four-dimensional description is the
possibility to take into account in one formula both sides of the
electromagnetic induction, including changes in the magnetic field and in the
contour’s area.
The peculiar
feature of the presented approach is that the main consequences arise after
applying the divergence theorem to the four-dimensional electromagnetic field
equations containing the electromagnetic field tensor and its dual
. In this case, it becomes clear that the
four-dimensional Kelvin-Stokes theorem can be obtained by simplifying the divergence
theorem, and therefore it is not required to derive the four-dimensional
integral equations of the electromagnetic field.
In the last
section, we will analyze the integral theorem on the magnetic field circulation
and a conclusion will be made that with an increase in the contour’s area in
the constant electric field, the magnetic field and its circulation must arise
in this contour.
and integral equations of the electromagnetic field in the four-dimensional
curved spacetime have been repeatedly considered before. If we take recent
works, then, for example, in [3-5] all the variables and equations for them
have been presented by splitting the components in the form 3+1 from the
viewpoint of the local observer’s reference frame, next to which the considered
volume element with the matter and field is moving. In [6] quantum equations of
the electromagnetic field are considered.
In contrast,
our task is to present all the electromagnetic quantities and their integrals
in a covariant vector-tensor form in an arbitrary reference frame for
macroscopic systems, without first splitting vectors and tensors into separate
2. The
covariant electromagnetic field equations
The four-dimensional formulation takes into account
the fact that the components of the electromagnetic tensor depend only on the components of
the vectors
. As for the charge density
and the electric current density
, they are included in the four-current
, where
is the charge density in the
comoving reference frame of the matter element,
is the four-velocity of the matter
element. As a result, equations (1) and (4) are replaced by one equation:
In turn, equations (2) and (3) can be derived from the
. (12)
For this in (12) we should use not coinciding with
each other values of the indices . Another method involves the use for
the pseudo-Euclidean spacetime of the completely antisymmetric Levi-Civita
, which implies by definition
, where
is the determinant of the metric tensor
. If the dual electromagnetic field tensor is given by the expression
and if we multiply all the terms in (12) by and sum them up, we will obtain
. Thus, we can assume that equations (2) and (3) follow from the
where the dual tensor, according to (13), has the
following components:
four-dimensional equations (11) and (14) replace the four three-dimensional
Maxwell equations and represent the standard way to write the electromagnetic
field equations in the curved spacetime.
Since the
electromagnetic field tensor is an antisymmetric tensor, its covariant
derivative can be represented in terms of the partial derivative:
. (16)
Let us multiply
both sides of (16) by the covariant element of the four-volume , take the volume integral and use the divergence theorem in the
four-dimensional form:
, (17)
where is the orthonormal differential
of the three-dimensional
hypersurface, surrounding the physical system in the four-dimensional space,
is the four-dimensional normal
vector, perpendicular to the hypersurface and outward-directed.
Now we will multiply the right-hand side of (11) by and take the integral over the
. (18)
Comparison of (11), (17) and (18) gives the following:
Let us differentiate this equality with respect to the
variable , where
is the coordinate time:
At the first term in (19) vanishes,
. For the remaining terms, in view of the equality
, we can write the following:
. (20)
Here is an orthonormal element of the two-dimensional surface, surrounding the charge
represents the electromagnetic field
flux through the closed surface; the three-dimensional indices
and they do not coincide with
each other.
The relation from [7] was
also used for the volume element in the comoving reference frame
of this element:
. (21)
Integral equation (20) is the Gauss theorem in the
covariant notation and generalizes equation (6).
Let us now assume that in (19) :
Let us consider (22) at . Since
by definition, then at
it will be
. Then, due to symmetry of the metric
and antisymmetry of the
electromagnetic field tensor
, it turns out that in (22)
Suppose now that the volume under consideration is
such that its size in the direction of the axis equals
and is small in value, so that
. Then the result of integration over the differential
in (22) can be considered as the
product of the integrands by
. Since
, then in (22) it will be possible to reduce all the terms by
. First we will replace the area
, which will change the sign in the corresponding surface integral of
the second kind. The following remains:
The quantity here can be considered as the
electric field flux through the surface in the direction of the axis
, since the main contribution to
is made by the component
, which is associated with the
electric field component
. In the general case, each of the components
depends on all the components of
the tensor
at the same time. The situation can be simplified
within the framework of the special theory of relativity, where
, in which case the components of the metric tensor
in the Minkowski spacetime are
equal to 0 or 1 and do not depend on the time and coordinates. In this case, we
will obtain
, and the integral equation becomes as follows:
This can be rewritten similarly to (10):
. (23)
In (23) the contour and the surface
are located in the plane
, and the magnetic field circulation around this contour arises due to
the current
through the area
inside the contour, as well as in
case when there is change over time in the electric field flux with the
crossing the area
Integral equation (10) was derived using the
Kelvin-Stokes theorem, and equations (22) and (23) follow from the divergence
theorem. This implies close relation between these theorems, since it can be
seen that for the Kelvin-Stokes theorem to hold true, it is necessary that the
thickness of the volume under consideration should tend to zero everywhere,
regardless of the orientation of the parts of this volume in space. However, there is a difference
between (23) and (10), which consists in the fact that in (23) the time
derivative of the total electric field flux over the surface is taken, and in
(10), instead, there is only the partial time derivative of the electric field
with the constant surface area. As a result, the integral theorem on the
magnetic field circulation in the form of (22) is more informative than (10),
since (22) includes integrals over the volume and the total time derivative,
and (10) includes only integrals over the surface.
The Kelvin-Stokes theorem in the four-dimensional form
The Kelvin-Stokes theorem (8) relates the integral of
the flux of the curl of the three-dimensional vector over a certain area to the
circulation of this vector around the contour bounding the specified area. The
four-dimensional generalization of theorem (8) can be found, for example, in [8]:
The area integral in (24) contains the four-curl of
the four-vector :
However, as we will show below, (24) is valid only
within the framework of the special theory of relativity, and in the curved
spacetime it is necessary to introduce in (24) the determinant of the metric tensor:
. (25)
It is assumed that the area element in (25) is antisymmetrically
oriented, so that the following relations hold true:
. (26)
We will consider the case when in (25) the indices , and the four-vector
is the four-potential of the
electromagnetic field, considered at a certain time point. Then
, where
is the scalar potential,
is the vector potential. In this case
, and from (25) and (26) it follows:
In (27) it was taken into account that . According to (27), the magnetic field flux
through a certain fixed surface
leads to circulation of the
vector potential
around a fixed contour,
surrounding this surface.
Let us take the partial derivative with respect to
time in (27) and rearrange the terms:
. (28)
The index in (28) shows that the circular
electric field
and the electromotive force
in the contour
arise due to changing over time
of the magnetic field, passing through the contour, which generates a change in
the circulation of the vector potential
. Since, by definition, the electric field appears in the presence of
the gradient of the scalar potential and change over time of the vector
, then the vortex field
and the electromotive force
in (28) appear in the absence of
the scalar potential
. From comparison of (28) and (9) now we can see that the
electromagnetic induction law can be represented as a special case of (25).
Let us write (27) for a practically closed surface,
when the contour becomes so small that its length
can be considered equal to zero:
. (29)
According to (29), the magnetic field flux through a closed surface is equal
to zero. In the limit of the special theory of relativity
and integral equation (29) turns into the Gauss theorem
for the magnetic field in (7).
Let us now consider the case when in (25), in view of
the relation and (26-27), the indices range
over all the values
In (30) the
electromotive force was introduced. For integral equation (30) to hold, it is necessary that
, that is, the electromotive force
behaves as a potential with accuracy up to the multiplier
. It should be noted that in order
for the electromotive forces
from (28) to coincide, it is necessary that the relation
should hold, which is possible if the determinant
does not depend on the time, and the vortex
in (30) is generated only by change over time
of the vector potential
Integral equations for the dual electromagnetic tensor
Let us apply the divergence theorem to the dual tensor
in (14), and acting similarly to
(16) and (17), we find:
. (31)
We will write this integral equation by the
and then will take the derivative with respect to the
variable :
Equation (32) with the index , in view of the dual tensor components in
(15), can be written as follows:
, (33)
where is the determinant of the metric
Integral equation (33), just as (29), represents the
Gauss theorem for the magnetic field, and, in the limit of the special theory
of relativity, it turns into (7).
Let us now assume that in (32) the index and use (15):
. (34)
Suppose that the size of the volume under consideration
in the direction of the axis
is so small that the integrals in
(34) can be represented as the products of the integrands by
. Then, taking into account the equality
, all the terms in (34) can be reduced by
and the following remains:
This can be rewritten in a vector form, given that :
For the above case, when in (32) the index and the contour
is located in the plane
, if the contour is circuited in a counterclockwise manner, then
, and the vector
is directed along the axis
. In this case, direction of the field
would coincide with the
counterclockwise direction of circulation around the contour, if the field
would increase with time and
would be directed against the axis
Integral equation (35) represents the Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction in a covariant form, where the quantity is the magnetic flux through the
bounded by the conducting contour
It should be noted that the magnetic flux in (35) can
change not only when the magnetic field changes with time, but also when
the area of the surface
changes. Thus, changes of both
can contribute to the circulation
of the electric field around the contour and to creation of the electromotive
. By contrast, in integral equations (9) and (28), obtained from the
three-dimensional and four-dimensional Kelvin-Stokes theorems, respectively,
the electromotive force arises only due to changing over time of the vector
potential of the magnetic field in the fixed contour of constant area.
Analysis of the integral
theorem on the electric field circulation
In the previous section, we pointed to the limited use of the
Kelvin-Stokes theorem to describe the effect of electromagnetic induction.
Complete description of this effect can be achieved by applying the divergence
theorem to the dual electromagnetic field tensor, which leads to integral
equation (35). We will apply (35) to describe the standard experiment with a frame, in
which there is a moving crossbar, allowing us to change the area of the frame.
The frame configuration is shown in Figure 1.
Let the height of the crossbar be equal to , and the current distance from the
origin of coordinates to the crossbar be equal to
, where
is the velocity of the crossbar’s motion along
the axis
. The constant magnetic field
is directed along the axis
. Within the framework of the
special theory of relativity, the determinant of the metric tensor
, and the magnetic flux is calculated
as the integral of the magnetic field over the frame’s area:
Here we assumed that the direction of circulation around the frame in
Figure 1 is clockwise, so that, according to the right-hand screw rule, the
normal to the frame is directed opposite to the axis
and opposite to the vector
. In this case, the direction of
circulation should coincide with the direction of the induction current in the
According to (35), we now find the electromotive force as the electric
field circulation around the entire length of the moving crossbar:
In the fixed part of the frame the magnetic field is constant and the electric
field circulation there must be equal to zero. If we take into account (30),
then we obtain the relation , that is, the electromotive force
changes in the same way as the electric potential along the crossbar. In this
case, the crossbar becomes the current generator for the entire frame, the
energy source for which is the force moving the crossbar in the magnetic field. Indeed, if there is a conductive circuit and a current generator (for
example, an electric battery), then inside the generator, as it moves from the
cathode to the anode, the potential increases and then drops down along the
circuit. We can assume that in Figure 1 the cathode of the induction current
generator is at the top, and the anode is at the bottom of the crossbar.
In order to confirm this, it is necessary to imagine what happens in the
crossbar as it moves. The standard interpretation of electromagnetic induction,
when the area changes in the magnetic flux, is reduced to the Lorentz force
acting in the magnetic field on the positive charge inside the crossbar:
Next we find the electric field strength inside the crossbar directed
against the axis , while the field circulation
coincides with (37):
. (39)
The electromotive force is positive, as the vector
in (39) is directed inside the crossbar
against the axis
, passing around the frame in a
clockwise manner after the vector
. In this case, the direction of
circulation around the frame coincides with the direction, which was chosen in
(36) to determine the direction of the normal
to the frame.
The situation under consideration corresponds to the Lenz rule,
according to which the electromotive force arising due to induction generates
in the conductive circuit such a current that its action is opposite to the
action that caused the induction current. The induction effect in this case
arises due to the force moving the crossbar at a constant velocity in the
magnetic field, increasing the frame’s area. If in (38) instead of velocity we substitute the velocity
of the positive charge as it moves in the
crossbar under the action of the strength
, then we will obtain the Lorentz
directed against the axis
and opposite to the force moving the crossbar.
If the crossbar moved by inertia in the absence of external forces, then
the force in the conductive frame would lead to
deceleration of the crossbar’s motion and to decrease of its kinetic energy. This is due to the fact that the kinetic energy would be transformed into
the energy of the induction current, released in the form of heating the
conductive circuit. If the electric circuit is broken, there will be no the
current in the frame, the electric field
will create in the crossbar a difference of
potentials, equal to the electromotive force
, and the crossbar will be able to
move at a certain constant velocity even in the absence of external forces.
In the general case, the contour or frame under consideration may be
non-conductive and there may be no both free charges and bound charges in them.
Then the explanation of the induction effect based on the Lorentz force
according to (38-39) becomes inapplicable, although the electric field
circulation and the corresponding electromotive force always take place in the
moving crossbar. Consequently, a different, more general explanation is
required, for example, based on transformation of the components of the
electric and magnetic fields from the reference frame , associated with the fixed frame,
into the reference frame
, associated with the moving
The electric field and magnetic field
are part of the components of the
electromagnetic field tensor, and therefore they are transformed according to
the tensor law. When an arbitrary point on the crossbar moves along the axis
in Figure 1, the fields’ components at this point within the
framework of the special theory of relativity are transformed as follows:
. (40)
The quantity is the Lorentz factor for the velocity
of the crossbar’s motion.
Since in the field
, the field
, then in
we will have only the following non-zero field components:
. Therefore, an observer moving in
with the crossbar should see the electric
field circulation in the form
. (41)
From comparison of (37) and (41) it follows that . Contribution to the electromotive
is made only by the electric fields
, respectively. This distinguishes
the electromotive force from the electric potential
, since, according to the definition
, the field
is associated not only with
, but also with the vector potential
. However, in the case under
consideration, the magnetic field
does not depend on the time and, since
, then
does not depend on the time either, not
contributing to the electric field. That is why, according to (30), the
electromotive force
behaves similarly to
Let us now consider how the electric potential should be transformed
from into the reference frame
. If in
there is the four-potential of the electric
, and
moves in
along the axis
, then according to the Lorentz transformations
for the four-vectors we obtain the following:
Using the freedom to choose the vector potential associated with gauging
of the four-potential in the form in the flat Minkowski spacetime, in
we can assume
, where
. For the components of the
four-potential in
it gives:
The relation for the potential is obtained in the same way as the relation
for the electromotive force obtained above.
Thus, drawing an analogy between the electromotive force and the electric
scalar potential, we can explain the law of electromagnetic induction for the
case of increasing of the frame’s area, without using the Lorentz force, but
relying on the transformation of the field components between the two reference
6. Analysis of the integral theorem on the magnetic field circulation
Since the integral theorem on the magnetic field
circulation around the fixed contour in (10) is proved using the
Kelvin-Stokes theorem, it is possible that, as is the case with the
electromagnetic induction effect, the proof may not give a complete description
of the phenomenon. Equation (10) states that the magnetic field circulation
occurs when there is a perpendicular component of the electric current through
the fixed contour, as well as in case of change over time of the electric field
crossing the contour.
However, from divergence theorem (22) we obtain
integral equation (23), which more fully describes the theorem on the magnetic
field circulation. This equation within the framework of the special theory of
relativity can be rewritten as follows:
where is the flux of the electric
field strength through the surface
bounded by the contour
According to (42), the magnetic field circulation can
appear in the absence of the electric current as well as with the constant electric
field, if the area of the contour crossed by the electric field would change.
The latter changes the flux
in (42). This conclusion cannot be predicted using the Kelvin-Stokes theorem,
due to the limitations of its action.
To analyze the situation, we will refer again to
Figure 1, where we will replace the magnetic field with the electric field
. Let us choose the counterclockwise direction of circulation around the
frame, then for the left-hand side of (42) we can write:
Assuming that the electric current through the frame is equal to
zero, we find the right-hand side of (42):
As a consequence of the equality of the left-hand and
right-hand sides of (42), we arrive at the relation . We cannot explain this relation by reasoning based on the Lorentz
force, as was the case for the electromagnetic induction in (38). This is especially true when there are no electric charges in the selected contour. The
only way to explain this is to transform the field components from
. Assuming that
, from (40) we find in
the following non-zero field
. Comparison with the expression for
gives the following:
. Note that a similar equality
for the case of the electromagnetic
induction follows from (37) and (41).
We arrive at a certain contradiction, which consists
in the fact that initially we assumed everywhere in
, however, when calculating the magnetic field circulation in (42), a
certain magnetic field
appeared inside the moving
crossbar. In order to avoid this contradiction, it would be more correct to
assume that in fact inside the crossbar in its reference frame
there is a magnetic field
, which creates circulation in the crossbar. While in the reference
, this circulation is manifested already as the circulation of the
effective magnetic field
What does gauge fixing of the four-potential give us?
In the previous sections, we considered the fluxes and
circulations of the electric and magnetic fields, which are the components of
the electromagnetic field tensor. There is one more quantity characterizing the
electromagnetic field – it is the four-potential , where the components of the four-potential contain the scalar
and the vector potential
. In (27) we determined for
the circulation
around the fixed contour, but it turns out that it is also possible to
determine the flux
using the closed surface.
We will start with the fact
that in the covariant Lorentz gauge the four-potential must satisfy the
We will
multiply this equality by the covariant element of the four-volume , take the integral over the four-volume and use the divergence theorem
in the four-dimensional form:
where is the orthonormal differential
of the three-dimensional
hypersurface, surrounding the physical system in the four-dimensional space,
is the four-dimensional normal
vector, perpendicular to the hypersurface and outward-directed.
The last equality can be written in more detail:
Let us differentiate this equality with respect to the
variable , where
is the coordinate time:
Here three area integrals in sum are equal to the
integral over the closed two-dimensional surface surrounding the
three-dimensional volume under consideration:
, (43)
where is an orthonormal element of the
two-dimensional surface;
represents the flux of the
electromagnetic field potentials through the closed surface; the indices
and they do not coincide with
each other; a quantity
is the volume integral of scalar component of
the four-potential and can be called the integral scalar potential.
Since ,
, then the components
of the four-potential are
functions of the scalar and vector potentials of the electromagnetic field.
In the limit of the special theory of relativity , for the Cartesian coordinates we have
, and (43) is simplified:
. (44)
In this case, we can see that becomes the flux of the vector
over the closed surface. The flux
can appear for two reasons – either if the distribution of the scalar potential
inside the volume under
consideration changes over time, or if the size of the volume itself changes.
According to (44), the change of
over time can lead to appearance
of the vector potential
in space, and if
would depend on time, then an additional
electric field would appear due to this, according to the definition
Using the divergence theorem, we obtained
four-dimensional equation (19), from which we obtained the integral Gauss
theorem (20) in a covariant form. The flux of the electromagnetic field through
the closed surface in (20) is defined as follows: , where the indices
and they do not coincide with each
other. In the limit of the special theory of relativity, the flux
turns into the flux of the
electric field without additions from the magnetic field components.
From (19) we also obtain the integral theorem on the
magnetic field circulation in the form of (22). In this case it is shown that
if the thickness of the volume under consideration tends to zero, then (22)
turns into integral equation (23), which generalizes the three-dimensional
Kelvin-Stokes theorem.
Similarly, from four-dimensional covariant equation
(32) we obtain the integral Gauss theorem for the magnetic field (33) and the
integral Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction (35). In contrast to the
three-dimensional approach, the covariant expression for the magnetic flux
through the surface includes the determinant
of the metric tensor:
. The expression for the electromotive force also changes:
. According to (30), the electromotive force behaves as a potential with
accuracy up to the multiplier
Comparison of (29) and (33), (28) and (35) shows that the
four-dimensional Kelvin-Stokes theorem (24) is presented within the framework
of the special theory of relativity, and it should be replaced with the
expression in the covariant notation (25). However, to ensure consistency of
equations (28) and (35), it is necessary to assume that in (25) the determinant
of the metric tensor does not
depend on the time. In addition, equation (28) represents the law of electromagnetic
induction only for a fixed contour with a constant area. It turns out that the
four-dimensional Kelvin-Stokes theorem, even in the form of (25), does not
allow us to fully describe the law of electromagnetic induction – this requires application of the
divergence theorem to the dual electromagnetic field tensor, which leads to
(35). Thus, the Kelvin-Stokes theorem turns out to be unnecessary in derivation
of the integral equations of the electromagnetic field.
However, the advantage of the Kelvin-Stokes theorem is
that equation (27) is obtained directly from it, in which the magnetic field
flux through a certain fixed
leads to circulation
of the vector potential
around a fixed contour
surrounding this surface. In addition, it becomes clear that changing of the
magnetic field flux through the contour with the constant area leads to the
vortex electric field in the contour due to change over time of the vector
In addition to circulation, the vector potential also has a flux
according to integral equations (43-44). In this case,
the flux of the potential
through a closed surface appears only when a
change in time of a new physical quantity – the integral scalar potential
– occurs.
The obtained integral equations have been applied to
describe the standard experiment with a frame, in which there is a moving
crossbar, allowing us to change the area of the frame and the flux of the
magnetic or electric field through the frame. As a rule, in such experiments,
the signs of the fields’ fluxes over the contour’s area and of the fields’
circulation around the contour are determined by the right-hand screw rule and
the Lenz rule, respectively. If we proceed from the four-dimensional approach
and equations (19) and (32), then the signs of the fluxes and circulation are
determined automatically.
The analysis of the experiment on the electromagnetic
induction with changing of the area in the magnetic flux shows incompleteness
of the approach based on the Lorentz force in order to explain the appearance
of the electromotive force. This approach turns out to be totally inapplicable in
the case when the electric field flux changes as the area changes in the frame,
which leads to the magnetic field circulation in the contour. The only approach, which allows us
to explain the experiments with changing of the fluxes of both the magnetic and
electric fields as the contour’s area is changed, is recalculation of the
electromagnetic field tensor components from the fixed reference frame into the reference frame
associated with the moving part
of the contour (with the moving crossbar in the frame in Figure 1). At the same
time, the circulation of the magnetic or electric field arising in
, in
manifests itself as the circulation
of a certain effectively acting field, as manifestation of the corresponding
effect in
Thus, in the situation shown in Figure 1 initially
there is no electric field and there is only a constant magnetic field. But as
soon as the crossbar begins to move, the vortex electric field appears in it from the viewpoint
, which leads to the circulation of this field. But in fact, in the crossbar, in its
reference frame
, the field
emerges, as well as the corresponding circulation and
the electromotive force
, which in
looks as
. Hence, we can make the conclusion that the effects from the vortex
electric and magnetic fields in the moving part of the contour from the
viewpoint of
are caused by the analogous
effects in this part of the contour, when they occur from the viewpoint of the
comoving reference frame
If we proceed from (10), the magnetic field
circulation in the contour can occur when the electric field flux changes over
time due to changing of the value of the electric field itself. This is the
consequence of application of the Kelvin-Stokes theorem to the fixed contour. However, the use of the
four-dimensional approach, with the help of the divergence theorem, in view of
(22-23) leads to a new effect in (42), according to which the magnetic field
circulation in the contour can also occur when the electric field flux changes
over time due to changing of the area bounded by the contour.
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