Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 37 D (Physics), No. 2, pp. 64-87 (2018). http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/2320-3218.2018.00013.1
covariant additive integrals of motion in the theory of relativistic vector
Sergey G. Fedosin
22 Sviazeva str., apt. 79, Perm, Perm Krai, 614088, Russia
E-mail: fedosin@hotmail.com
The covariant expressions are derived for the energy,
momentum, and angular momentum of an arbitrary physical system of particles and
vector fields acting on them. These expressions are based on the Lagrange
function of the system, are the additive integrals of motion, and are conserved
over time in closed systems. The angular momentum pseudotensor and the radius-vector
of the system’s center of momentum are determined in a covariant form. By
integrating the motion equation over the volume the integral vector is calculated
and the impossibility of treatment of the integral vector as the system’s
four-momentum is proved as opposed to how it is done in the general theory of
relativity. In contrast to the system’s four-momentum, which collectively
characterizes the motion of the system’s particles in the surrounding fields,
the physical meaning of the integral vector consists in the taking account of
all the energies and energy fluxes of the fields generated by the particles.
The difference between the four-momentum and the integral vector is associated
not only with the duality of particles and fields, but also with different
transformation laws for four-vectors and four-tensors of second order. As a
result, the integral vector turns out to be a pseudovector of a special kind.
Keywords: integrals of motion; vector fields; covariant theory of gravitation;
angular momentum pseudotensor; integral vector; relativistic uniform system.
PACS: 04.20.Fy; 04.40.-b; 11.10.Ef .
When considering physical phenomena in the curved spacetime, such
additive physical quantities as energy, momentum and angular momentum of a
system of particles and fields in some cases can be conserved over time and
thus can uniquely characterize the system. This explains the importance of
these quantities, which are integrals of motion, in mechanics as well as in
other fields of physics. In the general case, in order to calculate these quantities the Lagrange function is used, which depends on
the spacetime metric and on the fields, associated with the system’s particles
The text below will be devoted mainly to the vector fields used to describe
phenomena in macroscopic systems with a sufficiently large number of particles.
The effects of gravitation will be considered within the framework of the
covariant theory of gravitation [2]. In addition to the electromagnetic field,
which is a vector field by its nature, we will also consider such vector fields
as the acceleration field and the pressure field [3]. The acceleration field is
intended to describe in a covariant way the motion of particles; similarly, the
vector pressure field determines the elastic properties of matter. If
necessary, we could also take into account the dissipation field [4] and the
fields of strong and weak interactions [5], as the corresponding macroscopic
vector fields.
The choice of the vector fields is related to the fact that they always
contain the four-potential, the field tensor and the stress-energy tensor of
the field. In particular, this allows us to uniquely determine the energy of
any part of the system, which is difficult, for example, in the general theory
of relativity [6, 7], which is a tensor theory in regard to the gravitational
Throughout the text we will use the metric signature of the form (+, -,
-, -). The initial point of our reasoning is the Lagrange function for the
system of particles and four basic vector fields [8, 9]:
where is the four-potential of the
gravitational field, described with the help of the scalar potential
and the vector potential
of this field,
is the mass four-current,
is the mass density in the reference frame
associated with the particle,
is the four-velocity of a point particle,
is the four-displacement, and
is the interval,
is the speed of light, as a measure of
the speed of propagation of electromagnetic and gravitational interactions,
is the four-potential of the
electromagnetic field, specified by the scalar potential
and the vector potential
of this field,
is the charge four-current,
is the charge density in the
reference frame associated with the particle,
is the four-potential of the acceleration
field, where
denote the scalar and vector potentials,
is the four-potential of the
pressure field, consisting of the scalar potential
and the vector potential
is the pressure in the reference
frame associated with the particle, the ratio
determines the equation of the state of matter,
, where
is a certain coefficient of the order of
unity to be determined,
is the gravitational constant,
is the scalar curvature,
is the cosmological
is the gravitational tensor (the tensor of the
gravitational field strengths),
is the definition of the
gravitational tensor with contravariant indices with the use of the metric
is the magnetic constant (vacuum
is the electromagnetic tensor (the tensor of the electromagnetic
field strengths),
is the coefficient of the
acceleration field,
is the acceleration tensor, calculated as the
four-curl of the four-potential of the acceleration field,
is the coefficient of the
pressure field,
is the pressure field tensor,
is the invariant coordinate three-volume,
expressed in terms of the product
of the differentials of spatial
coordinates, and in terms of the square root
of the determinant
of the metric tensor taken with the negative
The Lagrange function (1) can be represented in the form , that is, as the function of the radius-vectors
and velocities
of each of the
set of particles that make up the system under consideration. With this in
mind, the relativistic energy of the system, containing
particles, can be determined from
the formula [1]:
, (2)
while the summation is carried out not only over all the particles, but
also over all the three components of each particle’s velocity, as is required
in operations with vector functions, including vector differentiation and
scalar product of vectors.
The index in (2) specifies the number of a
particular particle. We have placed this index over the vectors, describing the
particles, in order not to confuse it with the usual indices of vectors,
expressing the components of these vectors.
After substituting (1) into (2) and the energy gauging, the expression
for the energy was presented in [9], both for the system of individual
particles and for the case of continuously distributed matter:
In (3) the scalar potentials ,
are the
quantities averaged over the particles’ volume, which are multiplied by the
masses of these particles, and the results are then summed over all the
particles. Since the
fields can act far away from their sources, the scalar potentials include not
only the intrinsic averaged potentials of the particle under
consideration, but also the averaged potentials of the fields from the
entire set of other particles at the location of the given particle. The quantity
in (4) is the
time component of the four-velocity of a typical matter particle at the point
where the volume integration is carried out.
Our goal is the covariant expression of the relativistic momentum and
angular momentum of the considered system of particles and four vector fields.
Based on the Lagrange function and the conservation laws, we will represent the
corresponding expressions in the following sections. Then we will describe the
angular momentum pseudotensor, containing the system’s angular momentum and the
vector defining the equation of motion of the system’s center of momentum.
In addition, we will consider the definitions of the integral vector in
the general theory of relativity and in the covariant theory of gravitation.
This will allow us to understand the essence of the integral vector and its
fundamental distinction from the four-momentum of the system.
2. The momentum of the system
The standard approach requires that, due to the uniformity of space, the
properties of the physical system must not change under any parallel transfer
of this system as a whole. We will briefly recall the derivation of the
law of conservation of momentum, according to [1]. Suppose
that the radius-vectors of all the particles simultaneously change from to
, where
is a certain
constant infinitesimal vector. This leads to the variation of the Lagrange
function of the following form:
The integral of motion is obtained from the arbitrariness of choice of and from the
condition of equality of the Lagrange function’s variation to zero, and hence
from the condition of equality to zero of the variation action as the integral
of the Lagrange function with respect to the coordinate time. This leads to
the expression
. Then the Lagrange equations are applied, which in
our notation are written as follows:
Substitution of the derivatives with respect to the radius-vectors by
the derivatives with respect to the velocities with the help of (5) gives the
As a result, in the closed system the sum of the derivatives of the
Lagrange function with respect to the velocities is conserved, which is
considered as the momentum of the system:
. (6)
Let us now take into account that the Lagrange function (1), according
to [9], can be represented as the sum over all the system’s typical particles
as follows:
Using (7) in (6) we will find:
. (8)
The momentum (8), according to the definition in (6), is the system’s
generalized momentum and is expressed in terms of the vector potentials of the
fields acting on the system’s particles with masses and charges
, averaged over the volume of particles. Since outside the
particles there is neither mass nor charge, the vector potentials of the
gravitational and electromagnetic fields outside the particles do not
contribute to the system’s momentum. The quantity
represents in the sum (8) the momentum
of one particle with the sequential number
. In the flat Minkowski spacetime, the vector potential
of the acceleration field of an individual point particle equals
, where
denotes the Lorentz factor,
is the particle’s velocity [3]. Hence we can see that the quantity
in (8) really
is the relativistic momentum, the contribution into which is made by the vector
potentials of all the fields of the system.
For the case of continuously distributed matter, the masses and charges
of the particles should be expressed, respectively, in terms of the mass
density and the charge density. Let us first take into account the expression for the
time component of the particle’s four-velocity: . Then, to calculate the particle’s mass it is sufficient to take the
integral over its volume in the reference frame associated with the particle:
If the particle is moving, the element of its volume changes due to
motion. Therefore, when integrating over the moving volume, an additional
factor appears inside the integral. For the mass and charge of the particle it
gives the following:
Substituting (9) into (8) and passing from summation to integration, for
the system’s relativistic momentum we find the following:
. (10)
If the fields acting in the system cannot keep the particles in
equilibrium with each other, the particles’ velocities can differ to such an
extent that the shape of the system will begin to change. Despite this,
the energy and momentum of the closed system are conserved. These quantities
are part of the system’s four-momentum:
On the other hand, the four-momentum is defined as the product of the
system’s invariant inertial mass by the
of the point,
called the center of momentum of the system:
, (12)
where and
specify the
radius-vector and the velocity of the center of the momentum, respectively,
is the coordinate time differential,
denotes the proper time differential
at the point of the center of momentum.
From comparison of (11) and (12) we can determine the velocity of the
center of the momentum and the product of the system’s inertial mass by :
. (13)
The value for the center of
momentum should be calculated after determining the metric in the system, since
, where
is the interval,
is the metric tensor. After that,
with known energy
the system’s mass
can be
determined from (13). Thus, the system’s energy (4) and momentum (10) with the
help of (13) allow us to reduce the system’s motion to the motion of the center
of momentum.
With the help of the transformation of time and coordinates, we can turn
from the reference frame , in which the motion of the physical system is considered, to the
reference frame
, in which the system’s momentum
vanishes. Such a
reference frame is called the center-of-momentum frame. As a rule, in
the system’s energy
has the minimum
value, and the four-momentum is written as follows:
. In this case, according to (13), we will obtain
. In
the center of momentum is fixed, and
therefore the possible difference between the coordinate time
and the proper time
at the center of momentum is caused
only by the action of the fields. Thus, under the action of the gravitational field the
proper time of the clock is delayed with respect to the time of the clock
outside the field.
In the limit of the weak field and low velocities, the metric transforms
into the metric of the flat Minkowski spacetime, in which depends only on the velocity. In
this case, with the help of (13) we can estimate both the Lorentz factor
of the motion of the center of
momentum and the system’s mass, expressed in terms of its energy and momentum:
3. The angular momentum of the system
For a closed system that does not interact with the environment the
isotropy of space should be manifested in the fact that some property of the
physical system remains unchanged during an arbitrary rotation of the system as
a whole in space. Similarly to [1], we will denote the vector of the
infinitesimal rotation angle of the system relative to the arbitrary axis by
. The absolute value of this vector will equal
, and if we look at the system from the side of the
arrow of the axis
and at the same
time increase the angle
as the system
rotates counterclockwise, the vector
will be
directed along the axis
by definition.
To find the integral of motion it is necessary to rotate the system by
the arbitrary angle and to require that the variation of
the Lagrange function
in this case
would vanish. Rotation of the system would result in the corresponding
increments of the radius-vectors and particles’ velocities, expressed in terms
of the vector products:
Here the second equality is obtained from the first one by
differentiating with respect to the coordinate time, taking into account that behaves as a constant. Besides it is
assumed that the differential
and the
do not depend on
each other, so that the sequence of operations
is equivalent
to the sequence of operations
. The particles’ radius-vectors
are measured from the origin of the
reference frame, which is fixed on the rotation axis, consequently the
particles’ velocities
are determined
in the same reference frame.
For the variation of the Lagrange function after the permutation of
vectors in mixed products we obtain:
Now we’ll take into account (5):
Due to the arbitrariness of the vector it follows that
the angular momentum vector is conserved in the closed system:
We will substitute the Lagrange function (7) into (14):
According to (15), contribution into the total angular momentum is made by the vector
potentials of all the fields, averaged over the volume of each particle of the
system. At the same time the angular momentum of an individual particle is
, where
is the
relativistic momentum of this particle, so that the angular momentum
is obtained as the sum of the angular
momenta of individual particles.
For the continuously distributed matter, the masses and charges of the
particles in (15) should be expressed in terms of the integrals over the
particles’ volume with the help of (9), and from sums we should pass to
integrals. For the angular momentum it gives the following:
. (16)
The angular momentum (16) is calculated relative to the origin of
coordinates of the selected reference frame. If the origin of coordinates is
shifted, the radius-vectors change, so that
the value of the angular momentum depends on the choice of the origin of the
reference frame in contrast to the energy and momentum. Because of this the vector of the
angular momentum
differs from
the ordinary three-vectors and is called the axial vector that behaves like a
4. The angular momentum pseudotensor
In the four-dimensional spacetime, three-vectors are replaced by
four-vectors and the vector product of three-vectors corresponds to the
operation of antisymmetric vector product of four-vectors. The angular momentum
pseudotensor for one particle with the number as a rule is defined as follows:
For the system of particles we should sum (17)
over all the particles:
. (18)
The four-dimensional radius-vector of the instantaneous position of a
particle with the Cartesian spatial coordinates has the form and in the general case is not a four-vector. Instead, the
is a four-vector. As a result,
in (18) is not a tensor, but a
pseudotensor, which depends on the choice of the reference frame.
Comparison of the components of the pseudotensor in (18) and the
components of the angular momentum’s three-vector (15) gives the following:
This means that the components of the angular momentum of the system of
particles are the space components of the angular momentum pseudotensor
. As for the time components of the pseudotensor
, they turn out to be the corresponding components of
a certain three-vector
. Taking into account (8) and (18) we obtain:
. (19)
In this expression the quantity represents the time component
of the four-momentum of the particle with the number
is the system’s momentum. Let us
introduce the radius-vector of the center of momentum of the system under
Here the system’s energy is defined in (3) in terms of the
scalar field potentials and the field tensors.
We note that the limit of weak
fields and low velocities of motion of the system’s particles exists for (20).
If the particles are neutral and interact weakly with each other by means of
the fields, then in (3) we can neglect the second term in the form of an
integral for the fields’ energy, and in the first term we can take into account
only the scalar potential of the acceleration field .
Then the energy of one particle will be
, and for
the radius-vector of the center of momentum we can write the following:
If we move on and neglect the
Lorentz factors of the particles, then the center of momentum
turns into the so-called center of mass, the radius-vector
of which will be equal to:
Taking into account relation (20) in (19) and substituting the momentum with the help
of (13) we find:
. (21)
The vector is often called a time-varying dynamic mass
In a closed system the pseudotensor in (18) must be conserved, and its components
must be some constants.
For the space components of the pseudotensor this
results in conservation of the angular momentum:
. From the equality of the
pseudotensor’s time components and the components of the vector
in (21) it
follows that it should be
. It can be written as
where the constant vector
specifies the position of the
system’s center of momentum at
. Thus, in this reference frame we
obtain the equation of motion of the center of momentum at the constant
. In this case, the physical system has the conserved
, momentum
, angular momentum
and the angular
momentum pseudotensor
. The constancy of the velocity
follows from
the constancy of energy and momentum, according to (13).
We will turn our attention to the expression for the vector in (19) and the definition of the
of the center of momentum (20). They contain the quantity
, which specifies the time component of the four-momentum of a particle
with an arbitrary number
. Thus, it is assumed that for each
particle its four-momentum
is fully known. But actually
only the space component of the four-momentum
is most easily determined in the form of the
particle’s momentum
, since the vector potentials of the
fields can be found from the solution of the fields’ equations. As for particle
, here we have a problem related to the field energy,
which should be taken into account in
. Indeed, from the formula for the system’s energy (3)
it follows that contribution into the system’s energy is made, with the help of
the integral, by the fields – both inside the system and beyond its limits, up
to infinity. Apparently the fields’ energy must be somehow included in the energy
of each
particle of the system, but it is not easy, since the fields’ energy in (3) has
an integral form and cannot be divided exactly into the contributions from
individual particles.
In this connection, at the first glance it seems that the definition of
the radius-vector of the center of momentum (20) has a formal character.
Nevertheless, with the help of it can be satisfactorily estimated in case, when the
fields’ energy is small in comparison with the energy of particles in the
scalar field potentials acting on them. If the particles’ velocities are
known, we can use the first relation in (13) and approximately find the
particles’ energies with the known momenta. Similarly, if we know the masses and
the quantities
for each particle, then using the second
relation in (13) we can estimate the energies of individual particles, and then
substitute them into (20). All this gives the following for the radius-vector
of the center of momentum:
. (22)
For the case of the continuously distributed matter, all the sums
included in the definition of the angular momentum pseudotensor are replaced by
the integrals, since instead of the masses and charges of particles the
products of the mass density and charge density by the volume of typical
particles are used. In this case, the pseudotensor’s space components will
be the components of the angular momentum of the system
of particles, according to (16). The pseudotensor’s time components are
represented by the components of the vector
and, according to
(21), they remain unchanged. This follows from the definitions:
, (23)
where denotes the differential of the
integral taken over the volume,
is the four-momentum of the system
To complete the picture, we will express the time and space components
of in (23) with the help of expressions for the
energy (4) and momentum (10) of the system:
Here the index specifies the space components of
the system’s four-momentum, which are, respectively, the three components of
the three-momentum vector
. In particular, for the Cartesian
coordinate system
To determine the radius-vector of the center of momentum in case of the
continuous distribution of matter, in the first approximation, the second
relation in (22) can be used. Taking into account that , where
is the time component of the
four-velocity of the particle with the number
, and passing from summation to
integration, we find:
. (24)
Here the system’s energy is given by relation (4). In the course of
derivation of (22) we pointed out that the contribution to the energy of
individual particles should also be made by the fields present in the system.
This also applies to (24). The problem here is that the interacting particles
themselves are not closed systems, but they are immersed in the common force
fields acting on these particles at a distance and changing their energies and
momenta. For an unclosed system in the external field in the form of a single
particle inside the considered system of particles and fields, application of
(4) for integration over the volume of this particle gives the energy of a part
of the entire system of particles and fields in this volume, but not the energy
of the particle as such.
In this connection, we should refer to the initial formula (20) to
estimate the radius-vector of the center of momentum. In order to simplify the
situation, we will assume that the closed system under consideration has an
axisymmetric configuration with respect to the energy distribution of the
particles and fields. Then we can see that the resultant contributions of the
fields, going beyond the system’s limits, into the value and direction of the
vector become zero due to the symmetry of
the system configuration.
No matter how the energies of the external fields
change the particles’ energies
in (20) as compared to the energies of free
particles with the same particles’ motions, the value
remains the
same. Therefore, in (20) it will suffice
to take into account the particles’ energies in the scalar field potentials and
the fields’ energies in the volume of typical particles. Passing from summation
to integration over volume and using (4) we find the following:
According to the above reasoning, for the axisymmetric configurations in
(25) it is not necessary to integrate over the space outside the system, where
there is no matter.
On the other hand, we can imagine such physical systems, in which the
main role is played by the energy of fields, rather than the energy of the
matter particles. For example, the system can consist of a number of charged
capacitors, in each of which there is a strong electric field. Each energy has
inertia and the corresponding mass, so that the motion of the system with
capacitors gives rise to the system’s momentum, and rotation of the system also
causes the angular momentum. In this case, the second integral with the fields’
energies in (25) becomes of primary importance. Consequently, unit space volumes,
containing fields both inside and outside the system up to infinity, can be
considered as particles of a special kind, making their contribution to
determination of the radius-vector of the system’s center of momentum . This means that (25) should hold
true not only for axisymmetric systems, but also for systems of any form.
Therefore, in the general case, integration in the second integral in (25)
should be carried out over the entire infinite volume.
These arguments can be extended to the expressions for the energy in (4), for the momentum
in (10) and for the angular momentum
in (16), in case of continuous distribution of
matter. In this case, these expressions actually become additive integrals of
motion, since each small part of space in them contains either matter and
fields or only fields, and makes its contribution into the system’s integrals
of the motion.
5. The situation in the general theory of
Being a tensor theory, the general theory of relativity (GTR) differs
significantly from the vector covariant theory of gravitation (CTG). Firstly, the
gravitational field in GTR has neither its own four-potential nor the field
tensor, instead of it all gravitational effects are expressed in terms of the
metric tensor and its derivatives. Secondly, the acceleration field in GTR is
presented not as a vector field, but as a simpler scalar field, and it does not
have its own tensor either. This can be seen from the Lagrange function used in
GTR [10]. In our notation this function is written as follows:
. (26)
Here , where ϰ is the Einstein’s gravitational
In (26) the last term specifies the
contribution into the Lagrange function from the elastic energy of matter, and
if this energy is associated with the pressure field, then, as a rule, this
field is considered in GTR not as a vector field, but as a simple scalar field.
By definition, the four-velocity is gauged in such a way that , so that hence the definition follows for the square
of the interval in the form
. In this connection, the scalar invariant quantity
in (26) can also be written as
[11, 12], while in [8] and [13] the
is used for
this, where
is the mass four-current. In
contrast to this, instead of the quantity
, in the framework of CTG we use in (1) the acceleration field invariant in the form
; in this case the vector nature of the acceleration
field is emphasized by the additional invariant
, which contains the acceleration tensor
Let us now consider how the relativistic energy, momentum and angular
momentum of the system of particles and associated fields are calculated in
GTR. Thorough analysis shows that in GTR there are no formulas that determine
the given quantities in the curved spacetime in an exact and covariant way. We have already
referred to the articles [6, 7], which prove the impossibility of unambiguous
calculation in GTR of the energy and mass of any arbitrarily chosen small part
of the system. First of all this is due to the fact that in GTR the
gravitational field is represented in the Lagrange function not directly, but
indirectly, through the scalar curvature , expressed in terms of the metric tensor and its
derivatives. To estimate the contribution of the energy and the energy flux of
the gravitational field in the generalized Poynting theorem, the corresponding
stress-energy tensor should be used for the system under consideration.
However, instead of it, we can only find the stress-energy pseudotensor of the
gravitational field, usually for the case when the cosmological constant
is zero. In
this case, the form of this pseudotensor cannot be unambiguously defined. For
example, the Einstein pseudotensor
is well-known,
which, according to [14], in sum with the stress-energy tensor
of matter and non-gravitational
fields should give the conservation law of the following form:
It is assumed that integration over the infinite three-dimensional
volume of the tensors’ time components in (27) leads to the four-momentum of
the system with regard to the contribution of the energy and momentum of the
gravitational field:
. (28)
The index in
shows that the integral vector
is calculated
with the help of the Einstein pseudotensor.
As is indicated in [13], in the general case it is impossible to fulfill
simultaneously two conditions for a closed system with the help of the quantity
1) conservation over time of the sum of all the types of energy,
including the gravitational energy defined by the pseudotensor ;
2) independence of the sum of all the types of energy at a given time
point from the choice of the reference frame.
In addition, unlike the tensor , the pseudotensor
is asymmetric
and therefore the integral vector
cannot be used to
calculate the relativistic angular momentum of the system. To solve this
problem Landau and Lifshitz invented [15] the symmetric gravitational field
, so that the following relation holds true:
The integral over the infinite volume gives the following:
. (30)
It is assumed that the integral vector is also the
system’s four-momentum. To substantiate this conclusion, we need to send the
to zero in
(30), then
would tend to the
system’s four-momentum without taking into account the contribution of the
gravitational field. In this case, it seems that
should give the four-momentum with
regard to the contribution of the gravitational field.
Landau and Lifshits also find the system’s angular momentum with the help
of the integral over the infinite volume. To do this, they determine the
four-dimensional pseudotensor of the angular momentum as the integral over the
volume taken of the vector product of the current four-dimensional
radius-vector by the integral vector differential
associated with a given point in space:
The need to integrate over the infinite volume in (28), (30) and (31) is
related to the fact that the gravitational field pseudotensor does not specify
the unique distribution of gravitational energy and momentum in the considered
physical system, which does not depend on the choice of the reference frame. It
is assumed that integration over the entire volume allows us to minimize the
possible inaccuracies arising from this circumstance. At the same
time, by choosing the appropriate reference frame we can achieve that at
infinity the metric of the physical system would turn to the metric of the flat
spacetime. In this case, the pseudotensor vanishes at infinity, as it should be for the
gravitational interaction.
In case if the cosmological constant is taken into account in (26), in (29) the gravitational field
should be
replaced by
, and the corresponding additions should be made in (30) and (31). Similarly, according to
[16], the pseudotensor
in (27) should be replaced by
, and in (28)
should be
substituted by
The above-mentioned pseudotensors of the gravitational field contain
only the metric tensor and its first-order derivatives. In theory it is
possible that there are many other gravitational field pseudotensors, which,
summed up with the stress-energy tensor , could give the conservation laws similar to (27) or
(29). We will not go deep into the history of this problem and describe other
known pseudotensors, since our goal was to illustrate the very fact of
ambiguity in the choice of pseudotensor for the conservation law in GTR. References to
other pseudotensors and related problems can be found, for example, in [17].
In opinion of the authors in [18], who analyzed the conservation law
(27), if the necessary conditions (integration over the infinite volume, the
system “being immersed” into the Minkowski space at infinity) are met, the
quantity in (28) must be identically equal to
zero and therefore cannot be the four-momentum and specify the inertial mass of
the system. They also pay attention to different transformation laws for the
matter tensor
and the
gravitational field pseudotensor
. This should lead to different values of
in different
reference frames, which contradicts the condition of independence of the
physical system’s inertial mass from the choice of the reference frame. In
connection with this, in [7] such quantities as
in (28) and
in (30) are considered not as
four-vectors, but as pseudovectors. In [6] it is emphasized that GTR does not
satisfy the correspondence principle in the sense that the expression for the
inertial mass in the general case in the limit of the weak field and low
velocities does not go over to the corresponding expression in the Newton’s
theory. According to [19], the correspondence principle in GTR is not satisfied
for all the additive integrals of motion, including energy, momentum, and
angular momentum.
The considerations presented above raise doubts that in the general
theory of relativity it is possible to uniquely determine the energy, momentum,
inertial mass and momentum of the considered physical system. At least it is
absolutely impossible in case if it is necessary to calculate these quantities
for an individual arbitrarily chosen internal part of the system. We will
return to the discussion of this question in the conclusion of this paper,
after presentation of the integral vector from the perspective of the vector
field theory.
6. The integral vector
The equation used to find the metric tensor components in the covariant
theory of gravitation for the tensors with mixed indices has the following form
. (32)
here is the Ricci
tensor with mixed indices;
is the unit tensor or the Kronecker
are the stress-energy tensors of the
gravitational and electromagnetic fields, acceleration field and pressure
field, respectively.
With the help of the covariant derivative we can find the
four-divergence of both sides of (32). The divergence of the left-hand side is
zero due to equality to zero of the divergence of the Einstein tensor,
, and also as a consequence of the fact that outside the body the scalar
curvature vanishes,
, and inside the body it is constant. The latter follows from the gauge
condition of the energy of the closed system. The divergence of the right-hand
side of (32) is also zero:
. (33)
The tensor with mixed indices represents the sum of
the stress-energy tensors of all the fields acting in the system. Expression
(33) for the tensors’ space components is nothing but the differential equation
of the matter’s motion under the action of forces generated by the fields,
which is written in a covariant form. As for the tensors’ time components, for
them expression (33) is the expression of the generalized Poynting theorem for
all the fields.
If we could integrate (33) over the four-dimensional volume, then as a
result an additive integral of motion could be obtained. In this case it should
be taken into account that the situation inside and outside the particles or
inside and outside the continuously distributed matter differs significantly. Indeed, in the
space where there is no matter, there are only the electromagnetic and
gravitational fields. In the matter the acceleration field and the pressure
field are also acting. Therefore, integration over the volume in (33) should be
divided into two parts – one integration over the volume for the matter
particles (or for the typical particles of continuously distributed matter),
and the second one for the space outside the matter.
Since is a symmetric tensor, its covariant
derivative has the following representation:
. (34)
Since gravitation is considered in the covariant theory of gravitation
as an independent entity that does not require justification through the
metric, the gravitational effects do not disappear even in the flat Minkowski
spacetime. The same is true for the electromagnetic field and its effects. In
Minkowski spacetime, the metric tensor does not depend on the coordinates
and time, and
, as well as
. Consequently, (34) is simplified and in the weak
field and at low velocities of particles we can write:
This expression can be integrated over the four-volume, taking into
account the Gauss’ theorem:
where denotes an element of some
three-dimensional hypersurface that surrounds the four-volume under
In a closed system, the integral vector must be
constant. In order to get a general idea of the vector
it is enough to
determine its instantaneous value at
. For example, if
, we can take the initial time point
. In the standard gauge, the origin of time and the
origin of space coordinates at the initial time point (the center of momentum
of the closed physical system, moving at velocity
) intersects the origin of the observer’s reference frame. Then for the
integral vector we can write the following:
. (35)
Let us now consider the simplest macroscopic physical
system in the form of a sphere, which is filled with randomly moving charged
typical particles so densely that the approximation of continuous medium can be
applied. These particles are held inside the sphere by the gravitational field. We will now use the solutions known
for such a system in the framework of the relativistic uniform model that takes
into account the vector gravitational and electromagnetic fields, as well as
the acceleration field and the pressure field. Let the origin of the reference
frame be at the center of the sphere, so that we will search in the reference frame where the
sphere is stationary.
If we take into account the randomness of the typical
particles’ motion in each sufficiently large volume element, then we can see
that the global vector potentials of all the fields inside and outside the
sphere on the average are equal to zero. This leads to the fact that all the
global solenoidal vectors are also equal to zero, and in particular the
magnetic field and the gravitational torsion field on the average are equal to
zero, according to the covariant theory of gravitation. Consequently, in the given physical
system, which is stationary relative to the selected reference frame, there are
no energy fluxes (momentum fluxes) of the fields, calculated with the help of
the vector products of the field strengths by the corresponding solenoidal
In view of (33) , while at the index values
the components
are proportional to the sums of the energy
fluxes of individual fields. In the case under consideration, the fields’
energy fluxes, such as the Poynting vector or the similar Heaviside vector for
the gravitational field, are absent, and in (35) only one nonzero time
component of the integral vector is left at the index value
. (36)
We will now take into account the explicit expressions for the
stress-energy tensors of the gravitational field [2], [8], the electromagnetic
field, the acceleration field and the pressure field [3], [9], derived from the
principle of least action:
. (37)
As we can see from (36) and (37), in order to obtain it is necessary
to integrate over the volume the sum of the time components of the stress-energy
tensors of all the fields, that is, the sum of the energy densities of these
fields. In the flat Minkowski spacetime and at zero solenoidal vectors, the
fields’ energy densities depend only on the strengths of the fields, which are
part of the tensors of the corresponding fields. For example, in case the
magnetic field is equal to zero the electromagnetic tensor
depends only on the electric field strength
, and the following expression is obtained for the energy density of the
electromagnetic field:
Likewise, for the energy densities of the gravitational field, the
acceleration field and the pressure field at solenoidal vectors equal to zero,
we obtain [9], [20]:
, (38)
where ,
denote the strengths of the
gravitational field, the acceleration field and the pressure field,
respectively. In this case, the expressions for the field strengths inside the
sphere in the spherical coordinates depend only on the current radius
, and the radial components of the field strengths
have a similar form [21]:
In (39) is the Lorentz factor of the typical
particles that are in motion at the center of the sphere. Substituting (39)
into (38), and substituting the results into (36), we find inside the sphere by
integrating over the volume in the spherical coordinates the following:
. (40)
As was found in [22], by virtue of the equation of motion of the typical
particles inside the sphere, in the case under consideration the following
relation holds true:
If we take this expression into account in (40), we can see that the
time component of the integral vector inside the sphere vanishes: .
The radial components of the strengths of the gravitational and
electromagnetic fields outside the sphere with radius are equal [20]:
where is the gravitational mass of the
is the total charge of the system. In this
case, the inertial mass
of the system in (13) differs from
the gravitational mass
. This is due to the fact that the inertial mass
is calculated
through the relativistic energy of the system (4) by formula (13) and takes
into account the contributions from all the particles and fields of the system,
while the gravitational mass
is equal to the
total mass
of the
particles from which the system was formed. Likewise, the charge
is the total
charge of the particles from which the system was formed.
With the help of (41) we can calculate the expressions for and
in (38). Substituting
these tensor components into (36), for the time component of the integral
vector outside the sphere we find the following:
. (42)
Adding up (40) and (42), for the time component of the integral vector
we have:
. (43)
Now we can understand the essence of the integral vector in (35). This
vector, which is an integral over the four-volume at the initial time point
taken of the equation of motion written in the form of (33), shows the
distribution of the energy and energy fluxes in the closed system. When the
system as a whole is moving relative to the external observer, the vector
is a function of coordinates and
time, the same applies to the potentials and strengths of all the fields. If
the origin of the reference frame is moving synchronously with the center of
momentum, then in such a reference frame the integral vector
depends only on the internal motion
of the particles and fields of the physical system. The vector
obtains the simplest
form in case if the center of momentum always coincides with the origin of the
reference frame, that is, at the center of momentum.
According to (43), in the physical system, which is stationary on the
average, when there are no global mass and charge currents in the matter, only
the time component of the integral
vector is not equal to zero. In this case, within the framework of the
relativistic uniform model,
is equal to the sum of the energies of
the gravitational and electric fields outside the matter. As for the volume
inside the system’s matter, here the sum of contributions of the energies of
all the fields vanishes.
For the nonzero space components
of the integral
vector to appear in (35) at index values
, some stationary motion of the matter and fields is
required, for example, general rotation, volume pulsations or mixing of matter.
In this case, solenoidal vectors and the fields’ energy fluxes appear in the
It is obvious that in the long-term perspective the integral vector will not be conserved over time even
in a closed system if it does not take into account the contribution of the
vector dissipation field, as it was done, for example, in [4]. In real systems,
there is always dissipation of energy and transformation of the energy of
motion of the particles’ fluxes into thermal energy. This leads to a change in the state
of the matter fluxes in the system until the equilibrium state is achieved,
when the gradients of the matter particles’ velocities in the adjacent fluxes
reach the minimum. At the same time, there is a change in the fields’ energy
fluxes, and, consequently, in the integral vector’s components.
The initial
point of our reasoning in the definition of additive integrals of motion was the
expressions for the Lagrange function (1) for the continuous distribution of
matter, as well as for the Lagrange function (7) in case when the matter
consists of individual particles. With the help of these expressions, using the
standard procedure we find formulas (3) and (4) to determine the relativistic
energy of the system for the case of
individual particles and for the case of continuous distribution of matter,
respectively, formulas (8) and (10) to determine the relativistic momentum
, formulas (15) and (16) to determine the relativistic angular momentum
. With the help of the energy
and the momentum
it becomes possible to determine
the system’s four-momentum
in (11).
Since the
angular momentum depends on the choice of the reference
frame, it is a three-dimensional pseudovector. Similarly, the angular momentum
in (18) and in (23) is actually a
four-dimensional pseudotensor, since it contains both the components of the
and the components of the vector
in (21). The vector
defines the equation of motion of
the center of momentum of a closed system at a certain constant velocity, while
the radius-vector
of the center of momentum is
determined in a covariant form in (25).
In section (5)
we briefly describe how the integrals of motion are defined in the general
theory of relativity (GTR). Analysis of the situation shows that
in GTR the system’s energy depends on the stress-energy pseudotensor of the
gravitational field, the values of which at each point depend on the choice of
the reference frame. Moreover, the existence of many
different forms of the stress-energy pseudotensor of the gravitational field
suggests that in GTR it is impossible to uniquely calculate the energy in any
given small volume inside the system. Nevertheless, it is asserted that the
integral vectors such as (28) or (30) obtained by integration over the infinite
volume give the energy and momentum of the system. Unfortunately, this
heuristic conclusion does not follow from the standard procedures and the
physico-mathematical logic of the field theory.
Indeed, in
order to show that the integral vector in the weak-field limit tends to the
four-momentum of the system, it is necessary to send the gravitational field
pseudotensor to zero, and to send the curved spacetime metric to the Minkowski
spacetime metric. In this limiting case, according to GTR, the gravitational
effects must disappear completely, and all physical systems must behave like
inertial reference frames. Thus, the ideal inertial frames in GTR must be
without mass and charge, otherwise they would generate gravitational and
electromagnetic fields, and therefore the metric tensor would also change.
Now we can
raise a question: is it actually possible to send the gravitational field
pseudotensor to zero in any system at all? Apparently, it is possible only if
at the same time we remove from the system the matter that carries the mass and
charge. But when the pseudotensor is zeroed,
neither mass nor charge would remain in the system, and the four-momentum of
the system would become equal to zero. But this is the only state of the
system, in which we can be absolutely sure. If the system has both the mass and
the gravitational field pseudotensor, then there is no
guarantees that the integral vector in GTR defines precisely the four-momentum
of the system.
In addition, in
GTR the pressure field is used not as a vector field, but as a scalar field,
and the same applies to the acceleration field. As a result, in GTR the energy and energy fluxes of these fields are not
fully taken into account in the integral vector. Meanwhile, at equilibrium, the gravitational
and electromagnetic fields, the acceleration field and the pressure field in
the matter inside the system, which is stationary in general, are such that
they completely balance each other. This means that all the forces applied to
each typical particle of matter on the average are equal to zero. Moreover, our approach, in view of the covariant theory of gravitation
and the four acting fields, shows that in the matter the sum of the energies of
all the fields, as well as the time component of the integral vector become equal to zero, according
to (40). Only the energy of the fields (43)
that go out of the system beyond the matter’s limits contributes to the
integral vector of such a system. As a result, the integral vector is associated
with the energies and energy fluxes in the system, but not with the
four-momentum of the system. The same must be true for the integral vector in
GTR, since it is also obtained by integrating over the four-volume of the
divergence taken from the stress-energy tensor of the matter and
non-gravitational fields with addition of the gravitational field pseudotensor. In this connection, consideration of the integral vector as the
four-momentum in GTR in our opinion is wrong. Other problems, associated with
considering the integral vector as the four-momentum in GTR, are described
above in Section 5 with the appropriate references.
The difference
between our integral vector and the four-momentum
is significant and consists in the
fact that in the center-of-momentum frame the system’s momentum
and the space vector component
are equal to zero and reflect the
motion of the matter’s particles in the vector field potentials. This follows
from the definition of
in (8) and in (10), where either
mass and charge or the densities of mass and charge of the particles are
present. As for the space vector component of the integral vector
, it is associated with the motion of the fields rather than particles,
that is, with the fields’ energy fluxes contained in the stress-energy tensors
of the fields. The same can be said about the time components – if in
the time component is associated
with the relativistic energy of the particles in the scalar potentials with the
addition from the fields’ energy, then in
the time component is calculated
using the energy densities contained in the stress-energy tensors of the
fields. As we can see, the methods of calculation of
differ significantly from each
other: in order to find
we need the four-potentials of the fields, and in
order to find
in (35) we necessarily need the
stress-energy tensors of all the fields. It turns out that the difference
is due to the fundamental difference
between particles and fields, they cannot be reduced to each other, although
they are interrelated with each other.
peculiarity is that in an arbitrary reference frame the system’s momentum , as well as the space vector component
are no longer equal to zero and reflect
the property of inertia as resistance to the force changing the momentum
. And what is the meaning of the space vector component of the integral
in an arbitrary reference frame?
is the integral vector
taken at the initial time point,
it reflects only the configuration of the energy and the fields’ energy fluxes
of the system at this time point and the corresponding fields’ momentum. For
example, we can take a rotating body that, when moving as a whole, has not only
the four-momentum
, but also has the integral vector
with nonzero space components due to
the fields’ energy fluxes arising from rotation and linear motion. In this
case, in the closed system at equilibrium the fields’ energy fluxes in the
matter and beyond its limits become closed.
Finally, it
should be mentioned that the integral vector in principle cannot be the system’s
four-vector and four-momentum. This follows from the fact that according to
(12) the four-momentum can be defined as the product of the system’s inertial
mass by the system’s four-velocity: . This definition is valid in any reference frame. However, such a
definition for the integral vector is unsuitable. The basis of the proof here
is the so-called 4/3 problem. The essence of the electromagnetic field is that
the field’s mass-energy of the moving charged body, calculated at the initial
time point by integrating the component
of the stress-energy tensor of the electromagnetic field
over the volume, is approximately 4/3 times less than the field’s mass-energy,
calculated in the initial time point by integrating the space components
of the stress-energy tensor over
the volume.
The existence
of the 4/3 problem, that is, non-coincidence of the above-mentioned
mass-energies, stems from the fact that the four time components of the stress-energy
tensor of the electromagnetic field do not constitute any four-vector in total,
and they are transformed from one reference frame to another by the tensor law
rather than by the vector law. The same is true for the gravitational field in
the covariant theory of gravitation [23], and for any vector fields with the
four-potential in general. Since the integral vector is the
integral over the volume of the sum of the time components of the fields’
stress-energy tensors, the integral vector is not a four-vector either. This can be proved directly, for which it is sufficient to recalculate
the time component in (43), but already for a moving
system at the initial time point. This component of the integral vector will
increase due to the system’s motion at velocity
by a factor of about
, where
is the Lorentz factor. At the same time,
the system’s energy, which is part of the time component of the four-momentum
, under the same conditions will increase only by a factor of
the integral vector in (35) is a four-dimensional
pseudovector, but not the system’s four-momentum. Indeed, the integral over the
volume of the differentials of four-momentum can give the four-momentum of the
system, but this cannot be expected from the integral over the volume of the
time components of the system’s stress-energy four-tensor, due to different
transformation laws for four-vectors and four-tensors of second order.
The fact that
the integral vector is a four-dimensional pseudovector
makes it close in the meaning to another additive integral of motion of the
system and to a three-dimensional pseudovector, namely the angular momentum
. If desired, like Landau and Lifshitz with the help of
we could introduce the momentum
pseudotensor of the integral vector, similarly to (31). However, according to
the foregoing, this pseudotensor would not be equal to the system’s angular
momentum pseudotensor
in (18) and (23), but would
characterize only the angular momentum of the fields’ energy fluxes.
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